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2011年5月31日 星期二

Second Opinion Arthritis Treatment Kit - $48.50/sale

Newly released product from nationally known arthritis specialist. Website ranked #1 in Google for "Arthritis Treatment" and "Arthritis Relief." Conversion rate increasing every day!

Check it out!

2011年5月30日 星期一

Magnet Balls Gold Edition - Magnetic Earth Magnet Puzzle in Collector's Tin

Magnet Balls Gold Edition - Magnetic Earth Magnet Puzzle in Collector's TinOne Puzzle, Billions of Solutions -- Magnet Balls continuously create new patterns and shapes with these cool cubes, composed of multiple individual high-energy rare-earth magnets. With no set right answer, this puzzle has nearly infinite options in construction. You can completely disassemble and reassemble your magnet balls or simply manipulate it with your hands - you completely control the outcome of the multi-dimensional form. Each magnetic sphere is essentially a point, several spheres can be arranged into a line, lines can be formed into two-dimensional shapes, and these shapes can then be combined into three-dimensional objects. -- Using your Magnet Balls to create shapes could actually exercise both hemispheres of your brain, because it encourages you to be creative and constructive. Playing with your Magnet Balls also helps eliminate stress through the unique sensation of the magnets, the audible sound of each magnet connecting, and the creativity used to produce new shapes. Magnet Balls brand Cube puzzle includes a FREE collectors tin with Magnet Balls Label to hold your 216 pc puzzle.

**WARNING** These are not a toy and are for Ages 14 and Up. Potentially Fatal if swallowed.

Price: $29.95

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Miracle Constipation Relief

Strong Conversion Rates And Low Return Rates. 1 Million+ Monthly Searches For Constipation Related Problems. 3d Images and Banner Available For Instant Affiliate Download

Check it out!

2011年5月29日 星期日

Stress Relief Supplements - The Nutrients You Can't Do Without

Using stress relief supplements is an easy, affordable way to combat stress. Supplementation replaces the nutrients we lose during times of stress. These nutrients also help our bodies and minds handle anxiety and tension better and function optimally.

The symptoms that we feel from excess stress can be relieved with stress relief supplements. Depression, fatigue and irritability will be diminished with certain nutrients. Relieving these symptoms will in turn help us to deal with anxiety and tension more efficiently.

How do you choose which stress relief supplements to take? There are literally hundreds of vitamins, minerals, complexes and formulas to choose from. Firstly, start with a good multi-vitamin and mineral formula. You may already be taking one. Secondly, add the following nutritional supplements to help you through stressful times.

- B-Vitamins - These are the stress vitamins. If you take one vitamin supplement for stress, it should be a B-Vitamin Complex. B-Vitamins help maintain mental function, relieves fatigue and depression. Pantothenic Acid, a B-Vitamin, supports adrenal function and removes toxins. Look for formulas with these recommended daily dosages: Vitamin B1-100 mg, Vitamin B2-50 mg, Vitamin B3-150 mg, Vitamin B6-50 mg, Vitamin B12-500 mcg and Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid-500 mg.

- Anti-oxidants - Vitamin A, C and E repair the damages caused by stress. Excess stress produces free radicals that attack our cells. Anti-oxidants protect against free radical damage. They also strengthen our immune system so we can fight off stress-related illnesses. Vitamin C combats the systemic inflammation that develops from excess stress and supports adrenal function. These are the recommended daily dosages: · Vitamin A-up to 10,000 I.U., Vitamin C-up to 1,200 mg and Vitamin E-up to 400 I.U.

- Minerals - Calcium and Magnesium are both calming and restorative to the nervous system. They both also relieve depression, anxiety and muscle tension associated with stress. 500 mg of each daily is recommended.

- Other stress relief supplements - Tyrosine and Omega-3 Fatty Acids are also on the list of nutrients to try. These nutrients help us better cope with stress. They strengthen us by relieving depression and improving mental focus. 500 mg of each daily is recommended.

Everyone can benefit from stress relief supplements. Whether our stressors are physical, mental or environmental, these specific nutrients will protect, strengthen and calm you in times of stress.

To receive a valuable free newsletter and report click here: Free Report []

For more information about supplements click here: Stress Relief Supplements []

Caroline Selfe has been a passionate seeker of natural and holistic stress relief methods for the past 25 years.

2011年5月28日 星期六

Trillium CCG-300 Memory Foam Console Cushion

Trillium CCG-300 Memory Foam Console CushionMost center consoles are too hard, too low or plain uncomfortable. Trillium's console cushion is made with 100 percentage visco-elastic memory foam and offers much needed comfort to your console, while still permitting access to the storage area below. Enjoy memory foam comfort on the long hauls. The durable, stain and water-resistant micro-fleece cover can be removed for cleaning. Available in two sizes to fit most consoles.

Price: $24.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Living Yoga - Back Care Yoga for Beginners [VHS]

Living Yoga - Back Care Yoga for Beginners [VHS]Yoga focuses on keeping the spine open and supported, so it is understandable why millions of people turn to yoga for self-care of their back, explains instructor Rodney Yee in Back Care Yoga for Beginners, a gentle, easy 30-minute introduction to yoga. Its 20-minute yoga workout maximizes the movements of the spine and Yee carefully demonstrates the back-strengthening yoga postures, sometimes using a chair (sitting in it or standing and propping one foot on it). His form is beautiful, his explanations clear. If you're a beginner, realize that you cannot begin to approximate his degree of flexibility. Your goal is not to get as deeply into each posture as the instructor, but to reach your own comfortable limit. Cautions are given for pregnant women. --Joan Price

Price: $9.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月27日 星期五

Ali MacGraw - Yoga Mind & Body

Ali MacGraw - Yoga Mind & BodyAmid breathtaking White Sands desert landscapes accompanied by a hypnotic musical score Ali and others demonstrate a dynamic low-impact workout by master Erich Schiffman. Experience the mind/body well-being that comes from Ujjayi breathing the Cat Pose Sun Salutations and 10 more routines. Join the growing number of fitness enthusiasts enjoying the muscle-toning stress-reducing benefits of yoga. Year: 1994 Director: Claudio Droguett Starring: Ali MacGrawRunning Time: 55 min.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: HEALTH/FITNESS UPC: 085393434427

Price: $12.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月26日 星期四

Constipation Relief for Women

Naturopathic doctor reveals 27 strategies that women can use to rid themselves of constipation, gas, bloating and resulting fatigue. PDF and MP3 plus many high quality bonuses. $37-$47 price range. 50% commission for affiliates.

Check it out!

2011年5月25日 星期三

The Centuries Old Herbal Tea Stress Relief

There is nothing more relaxing than sitting down with a nice cup of hot steaming herbal tea. There is something very soothing about drinking herbal tea, especially before bedtime. Herbal teas have been used for centuries for medicinal purpose and in the last 50 years tea companies have actually been advertising herbal tea for stress relief. The English have been stopping for years for afternoon tea. This is one of their ways of reducing stress. But with the world becoming so health conscious, exercising and eating nutritious food, it is only natural that they have turned to herbal tea for stress relief.

Kava Kava

Kava Stress Relief tea, which comes from the Kava Kava plant, is an herbal tea for stress relief. This tea helps you clam down and relieves anxiety, stress and minor pain. It also helps in digestion and the kidneys. It is a member of the peppercorn family and has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb, specifically to alleviate anxiety.

It is native to the South Pacific and is well known for its ability to calm the body and mind and produce a good night's sleep. It is also known as a powerful antispasmodic. It has been found to relax the uterus and relieve menstrual cramps and minor menopausal symptoms. It has been supported by scientific data from The Herb Research Foundation that the use of kava will relieve minor anxiety, stress, restlessness, muscle tension and mild pain.

Calming Yogi Tea is another herbal tea for stress relief. This tea is a calming tea that eases stress and tension and encourages relaxed alertness without drowsiness. This healing tea contains organic chamomile that supports, soothes and rejuvenates the nerves. Chamomile has a natural herbal apple flavor and has been known for centuries that it soothes and calms the mind and spirit. It is no wonder that these herbal teas for stress relief are reaching the number one spots on herbal tea stress relief charts.

The saying goes, "If you could box it and sell it you would make a fortune". Well, this is exactly what these tea supplement companies have done to make their fortunes. There are herbal green teas, herbal tonic teas and herbal exotic teas all packaged for stress relief. If you could bottle a stress reliever, eat a stress reliever or put it in a teabag, than the public will buy it. How much easier can it get then but to sip a good herbal tea for stress relief? has other well-written and helpful articles not only related to 3 simple techniques for stress relief [], but also other information and resources related to stress relief [].

This article may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

2011年5月24日 星期二

Dual Drive Pro Biofeedback Game for Wild Divine

Dual Drive Pro Biofeedback Game for Wild DivineRelax to Win as you accelerate & control your car through incredible 3D graphical scenes. Dual Drive Pro teaches you relaxation and optimal breathing techniques. When you learn and practice these techniques in Dual Drive you can see your heart rate changes and relaxation (optimal HRV) levels. This gives you important feedback as to how well you are breathing and how relaxed you are.
While playing Dual Drive Pro in racing mode, the breath pacer helps you breathe slowly and steadily while the relaxation dial shows how relaxed you are. Relax and breathe in and out with the breath pacer to raise the dial and power your car.

The Stress-Free Living will assist you in your Biofeedback Training with our own supplemental guides.

NOTE: This game requires the finger sensors hardware available in Wild Divine Passage or Healing Rhythms products. NOT included. This is software game only. *For WINDOWS XP, Vista or 7 ONLY.*


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Stress Relief Games Are Not an Oxymoron - How to Lower Your Stress by Playing Games Online and Off

Stress relief games? Not too long ago, I hadn't even heard of the concept. But then, life used to be a whole lot less stressful. Most people's daily routines gave them all the tension relief they needed. But times have changed. In the age of multi-tasking and ever-expanding workloads, we need all the help we can get to allow our bodies and our emotions to recover from that constant stress overload.

One effective way to ease stress is by physical activity, and sitting in front of a computer all day doesn't qualify. People used to haul bales of hay, sweep stairs, or plough fields as part of their days' work, and if they were stressed, that surely would have taken care of excess stress hormones. But what are we supposed to do in cubicle world?

As it turns out, stress relief games, some of them available right on your computer, are just the ticket. If you're an internet junkie, you probably know all about them already. There are entire websites that specialize in games for stress relief.

If you'd rather get away from the computer, though, there are some excellent offline games you can play as well.

The key is to find games that offer an escape from stress rather than create more of it. Some computer games can easily have the opposite effect from what you want to achieve. You want games that take your mind off whatever is causing tension by making you focus on something else. But you don't want to start getting stressed all over again.

Here's a case in point of what can happen: personally, I find Sudoku quite relaxing - but only if it's not too difficult. It has to be hard enough to be absorbing, but not so hard that I'm starting to worry that I can't solve it. Some people actually time themselves when doing Sudoku - probably part of making it competitive, but that would spoil it for me.

Here are 5 of the best stress relief games you play to tame excess tension

1. Card games, like Solitaire, that involve logical thinking. You can do these on the computer or the traditional way with a deck of cards.

2. Word games that use your creative and logical thinking processes. When you involve both sides of your brain in an activity, there is little room to focus on the stress.

3. Puzzles of various kinds, like chess, checkers and crosswords. Challenges that are not stressful can be both fulfilling and a relief. These are especially good if your stress is being caused by an especially difficult project. Winning a few games helps restore your confidence and puts you in a better frame of mind to tackle that project. Oh, and of course, Sudoku belongs in that category.

4. Computer games can be fun and relaxing or stressful, so choose wisely. Arcade games can relieve a lot of pent-up tension and anger, but if a time limit is put on the game, this can add to your stress level. If you are adversely affected by certain games, choose different ones next time.

5. Games involving physical activity are especially good for relieving stress, especially if they're played outdoors. Tennis and golf are two time-tested favorites. The physical exertion decreases the levels of stress hormones that have built up in your body.

Next time you feel the tension rising, take a break. Search online for games that you can enjoy while reducing your stress levels. If time and opportunity permit, get away for awhile. Hit the golf course or tennis court for a quick game.

And if you recognize yourself or someone you care about in this article, you are invited to get Elisabeth Kuhn's FREE report with seven stress-reducing strategies.

If you want Elisabeth's full-sized version instead, with lots more strategies (including an introduction to EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique), just go to for instant stress relief.

2011年5月23日 星期一

Energise Your Stress Relief Naturally

It is not surprising that man has always been seeking out stress relief products. Stress has been with man since the dawn of time Stress was even with early man as he hunted and gathered food for himself and his family. Indeed a certain amount of stress is normal and is to be expected. Stress is most evident when someone is in danger and senses the need to flee from a particular situation for self defense.

Stress itself is not the problem that man faces. The problem is prolonged stress. Prolonged stress can have a significant impact on a person's life and can impact on their physical and mental life. Stress can lead to poor sleep patterns, muscle aches and pains, headaches and reduced attention and concentration. It can also lead to high blood pressure, other medical conditions, and even addictions and problems at work are caused through stress. Therefore those having prolonged stress need to be energised by proper stress relief products and techniques.

It is not only those who have abnormal stress that need to use stress relief products. Everyone needs some form of stress relief because everyone has some form of stress. Stress is natural and most people live with stressful situations every day of their life. It is not surprising then that there are a number of stress relief products on the market and there are many who claim that their product works magic in people's lives.

Some of these claims can be quite valid, other claims are not so honest and may cause trouble to the user. It is important therefore for those who want to be assisted in relieving their stress to choose their product wisely so that they may in fact gain stress relief rather than having their pockets relieved without positive results.

Various approaches may be taken in relieving stress. Some methods of stress relief are treated with the traditional techniques of medicine and counseling. Some however have come to the conclusion that these traditional methods of stress relief are either damaging or at least should be used along with natural stress relief products.

Medical doctors in the main support the traditional approach however many who are not trained in medicine supported by a minority of trained doctors claim that traditional medicine is not the way to go and in fact it is better to use natural approaches. There is probably truth on both sides of this argument and as in many issues it is probably best to take the middle road. With severe stress it is important to speak with your health professional before self medication. Stress can cause such hidden conditions as heart disease that can lead to stroke or heart attack it is vital to get regular check-ups for your over all health.

For stress that is normal it is still important to maintain your stress level and manage your condition with common sense. The most important thing when managing stress is to maintain a balanced state of health with the use of vitamins. Vitamins assist the bodily organs and cells to work at their best.

Research has shown that when the body is under stress there tends to be a lack of vitamin C. Vitamin C is to be found in most citrus fruits such as oranges and strawberries. The vitamin B series is also beneficial especially for good nerve processes by giving a boost to frazzled nerves. Therefore take vitamin B when the body gets over loaded with stress and begins to be inefficient. Potassium and sodium are also recommended for stress relief, these elements are used in cell and nerve interaction. Also available on the modern market are combinations of stress relieving vitamins that also carry other benefits to the body, such as weight control.

Vitamins and supplements can be obtained from a variety of sources. They can be found in health food stores local drug store and in supermarkets. In our modern day there are also many online websites providing vitamin supplements. The advantage of obtaining vitamin supplements online is that a lot of advice is dispensed and the products are more economical. There also tends to be a broader range of products available.

Amanda King is an experienced internet marketer who supplies Stress Relief and Beauty products

Trillium MFC-6031 Memory Foam Seat Cushion

Trillium MFC-6031 Memory Foam Seat CushionTrillium Worldwide Memory Foam Tan Seat Cushion has Ideal for auto or home use actually molds to body as its temperature sensitive properties react to shape.

Price: $29.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月22日 星期日

Choosing the Best Stress Relief Toys

In the past, Nerf balls were one of the most popular stress relief toys. These balls were different from the other balls. These were safe, so much so that you could even throw it off to someone without the fear that it could put his eye out or crack his skull.

Recently though, stress relief toys are becoming more and more popular. They even come in various types nowadays. Earlier, they came up with something that resembles the Nerf ball. It is a tiny, spongy thing that you can just hold and squeeze every time you feel your stress is escalating. After a while, they came up with a small basketball hoop, which you can fasten to your office wall. Some employees would try to crumple their memos or any paper from the office and use them as their balls.

Afterwards, dart boards became famous. Employees often place the image of their irritating boss over the board and clearly aim their dart at that image. It effectively provided the employees some level of satisfaction.

From then on, greater developments have been made on stress relief toys. Manufacturers incorporate science and human senses just to come up with an excellent kind of toy that will provide more use and not just plain crushing.

A lot of products have come out on the market. Most of them are made out of interesting elements that give immediate stress relief whenever, squeezed, stretched or touched. There are now various types of stress balls, they come in a beanbag, liquid Chinese type of stress balls that you could just roll in your hands.

Stress relief toys are truly effective and what is good about them, is that they are affordable. Here are some of the stress relief toys that you can try out yourself.

Massage Toys

We already know the effectiveness of massage to reduce the stress, anxiety and how it can help improve the mood. The stress massage toys also provide the same benefits. Just get yourself some animal-shaped hand held mini-massager; it will instantly give you relief. The plush toys also provide the same outcome.

Meditation Toys

Mediation toys such as puzzles can effectively relax your mind. Aside from that, people enjoy playing with them too. It helps a lot in switching the persons thoughts to solving the puzzles. Rubik's Cube became very popular in the 70's, however; some found themselves more stressed instead of feeling relaxed since the cube looked unsolvable. Nowadays, manufacturers decided to be more artistic and creative with their products. The puzzles become more challenging, building blocks that should be placed together to remove opens spaces in between was invented.

Interactive Toys

Those who love gardening will surely enjoy the Zen Garden stress relief toys. It is composed of tiny boxes with different styles. It consists of a backyard garden, a construction zone, a sandbox and a whole lot more. To free yourself from stress, you just have to design your scene. You can clean pebbles, haul rocks and move sand.

Funny Toys

Since laughter is the best medicine, it also is the best in stress relief. Manufacturers realize this, so they created humorous, funny toys that one can have fun using. One of the famous humorous toys is the rubber stick-on toys. These toys come in different comical shapes and work by flinging them against the walls, doors or ceilings and see how long they can stick to them. What is more fun is when they land in unusual and unpredictable positions that is quite funny and at the same time, entertaining.

Slinky Toys

There were slinky toys a few years back, however, they were not as good as the ones we have now. They are now made in plastic, but there are also some that are made out of the classic material. They are good to use in think tanks since they can aid in concentration, while at the same time, giving stress relief. Slinkies made out of plastics are more ideal to use, since they do not produce noise that will disturb other thinkers in the same room.

Carl Walters is a stress relief enthusiasts and enjoys helping people take control of their lives through a positive mind set and stress management tips. To learn about stress relief gifts and other stress management tips, visit

2011年5月21日 星期六

Office Space [UMD for PSP]

Stills from Office Space (Click for larger image)

Price: $19.98

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The Ultimate Instant Gout Relief Report

If you are suffering from gout youre just one click away from instant relief. The remedies are hiding right in your kitchen. Our website converts an amazing 20-1. Dr. Jeff Sands report has been sold world in hard copy and now is available as a download.

Check it out!

2011年5月20日 星期五

The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)Although the sheer size of this dense workbook might cause initial hyperventilation--280 full-size sheets of text--take heart (and a deep breath!): the many self-assessment tools and calming techniques presented in this fifth edition can help overcome anxiety and promote physical and emotional well-being. First introduced in 1980, the book received praise for presenting a comprehensive look at stress, its physical manifestations, and the multiple ways it can be managed. Twenty years later, its well-organized chapters on breathing, relaxation, meditation, thought stopping, and body awareness still guide the reader through copious self-help techniques to try and, eventually, master. Other chapters, including job stress management, goal setting and time management, and assertiveness training, focus on daily scenarios people often find distressing. Lessons in identifying key elements that trigger unpleasant responses and in reacting differently to these elements are designed to defuse perceived conflicts. For this edition, coauthors Martha Davis (psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry of Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Santa Clara, CA), Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman (licensed clinical social worker with Kaiser Permanente Online), and Matthew McKay (clinical director of Haight-Ashbury Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA) have added topics on worry control, anger management, and eye-movement therapy. New diagrams and a more reader-friendly format should appeal to readers, despite a few typos and graphical mishaps. This is a valuable tool for therapists, their patients, and the stressed-at-large. --Liane Thomas

Price: $21.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月19日 星期四

Time-Tested Stress Relief Methods

Stress has become one of the leading causes of many illnesses. Fortunately, there are many time-tested stress relief methods that one can try. Yoga is one of the ancient stress relief methods that has been practiced for five centuries in India and is used for the relaxation of both the mind and the body. There are 8 components in traditional yoga but for stress relief, only the following 3 components are used - Asanas, Pranayama and meditation.

Asanas or postures enable the energy to flow freely in and out of a person's body to promote normal body functions and release muscle tension. Pranayama when literally translated means control of life so during pranayama, the person focuses on controlling breathing. When the first two components are properly done, the person becomes ready for meditation, which draws the mind away from the stress factors and brings into a relaxed state.

One of the most commonly used stress relief methods is aromatherapy. If you go to spas then you must be familiar with this. In aromatherapy, a person inhales natural essential oils extracted from plants, herbs and flowers to reduce stress. Aromatherapy works by stimulating the Olfactory nerve, which is connected to the limbic system, the part of the brain that regulates emotions. The scents inhaled will stimulate the limbic system to produce the mood-stabilizing hormones serotonin and endorphin.

Some of the typically used essential oils used for stress reduction include chamomile, lavender, orange, lemon, clary sage, sandal wood, cedar wood and jasmine. These aromatic oils can be used individually or blended together. Inhalation is the best way to obtain the benefits of these oils but they can also be massaged onto the skin, diffused in a room spray, added to baths or used as a perfume.

The therapeutic benefits of water has long been proven making hydrotherapy one of the oldest stress relief methods today. The different types of hydrotherapy include whole body baths, foot baths, sitz baths and steam baths. The most effective of these four in stress relief is the whole body bath. Immerse yourself in shoulder deep water that should be about 95 degrees F warm for at least 30 minutes to get the best relaxation effect. You can use plain water or mix your bath water with essential oils.

Deep breathing is the simplest of any stress relief methods. The concept behind this technique is that the adverse effects of stress result from toxins in the body and inadequate supply of oxygen. By taking deep breaths, the amount of oxygen that will enter the body and the amount of carbon dioxide leaving the body will both increase, resulting to stress relief.

Proper deep breathing starts with sitting with your back straight and then taking a deep breath, making sure that the movement centers on the abdomen and not the chest. Do this for 30 minutes.

Other stress relief methods proven to alleviate stress include meditation, biofeedback method, progressive muscle relaxation and music therapy.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Stress, Depression and Anxiety management and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Stress Management web site. For more articles and resources on stress relief, stress tests, stress symptoms, stress reduction, anxiety and depression treatments and much more visit his site at:


Feliway 48-Milliliter Plug-In Refills, 6 Refills

Feliway 48-Milliliter Plug-In Refills, 6 RefillsFeliway (Comfort Zone) spray and diffusers prevent cats from urinating where they shouldn't. This fantastic new pheromone Feliway spray or diffuser duplicates the smell of a cat's natural scent glands. Cats will not soil anything close to where Feliway has been sprayed. Enjoy extra savings on a 6 pack of 48 ml refills. Feliway Diffuser resolves marking problems naturally. Provides an effective way to control and manage unwanted feline behaviors such as: urine marking, scratching, stress and anxiety. Also useful in acclimating cats to new environments. Creates a calming effect. Instructions for Using Feliway and ComfortZone with Feliway

Price: $96.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月18日 星期三

Natural Stress Relief Tips, and How to De-stress Easily

 The economy is in shambles, divorce rates are climbing, and stress related illnesses are becoming a major medical concern. Stress relief tips, are even more in demand than ever before. How do you separate what works from what doesn't. Are all stress relief tips the same, and will they bring you the ultimate anxiety relief that seems all too hard to come by in today's serious world.

Finding stress relief tips can be as easy as your nearest search engine, but will they work is another question. One thing to be cautious of are sites that have all product, and no content. Natural stress relief, while very manageable with supplements and other techniques, has many facets. When researching look for content, and suggestions without each entry being a sales pitch. So what are some valuable stress relief tips? Here are just a couple I have found to be extremely effective.  

Meditation Stress treatment can be as simple as learning some stress treatment techniques through stress meditation.  While is sounds very new age, at it's core it is learning "focused relaxation", and ways to quickly reduce your stress levels.  

Aromatherapy Stress treatment at home can also come from a very passive method called aromatherapy.  This is done by utilizing certain smells to trigger chemical responses within the brain in order to increase the amount of calming chemicals in the brain.   

Exercise For many stress treatment comes in the form of exercise.  Exercising to reduce stress is caused by the body's release of the same endorphins that many of the other techniques do, but will also help you get in shape.   The other stress relief tips to look at are nutritional supplements. Some of the foods we eat like Turkey, fish, and nuts have many natural benefits that aid you in stress reduction. One word in caution with the nuts however as too much selenium can be toxic for your system so don't overdo it.   You can also find many vitamin supplements, and natural herbal remedies for natural stress relief. However read up on any herbal stress remedy or nutritional supplement before you begin taking it to make sure it has been tested and does not have any reported side effects.  

For more free stress relief tips, and advice on Natural Stress Relief, visit [].

Like so many of you I have found myself stressed with the events of the world unfolding. From financial stress, to family stress I felt overwhelmed, depressed and concerned over the path my life was taking. Stress was interfering with my ability to function. That's when I began to look for ways to reduce stress naturally without only finding sales pitches, but also real information on Natural Stress Relief. I have reduced my stress significantly, and want to help you. Visit my Stress site at [] for more information.

Don't be another statistic and cause stress related illnesses that can impact your life.

2011年5月17日 星期二

Instant Natural Colic Relief

High demand and ever hungry crowd of parents desperate to stop their baby crying. Help these parents and make 70% commission. Simple, gentle and safe moves for instant colic relief. See Affiliate page for videos, articles and images.

Check it out!

2011年5月16日 星期一

Using A Stress Relief Ball To Calm Nerves

Battling stress is something we all have to do at one time or another. And for many of us, stress - resulting from work worries, finances, and relationship trouble - is something that comes and eventually goes. But for others, stress continues to impact us on a daily basis, affecting our physical and emotional wellbeing. In these cases, there is a multitude of ways in which to combat stress and get on with our day feeling refreshed and calm. The ways in which we do this vary according to our personalities and often utilize a variety of tools to help us achieve success. For some for whom exercise is the key to stress relief, the tool of choice is a logistically convenient gym where all the latest equipment exists for their use. In such an atmosphere, cardiovascular work, weight training, and core work such as Pilates and Yoga can make an enormous difference in the way that we feel. For others, the tools for stress relief include music and lighting necessary to meditate their way to better emotional health. And for still others, there are much smaller tools that can be used on a moment to moment basis and require very little effort to enjoy the rewards. A stress relief ball - kept on a desk or in a briefcase - can bring about enormous stress relief in the time it takes to squeeze it.

A stress relief ball is just that - a small ball that fits into the palm of your hand. For those encountering stress, a squeeze of a stress relief ball can refocus energy and lower blood pressure to a point where stress is released. It is generally made from pliable material that that can be compressed and released; the act of compressing the ball and then allowing it to release in your hand stimulates a calming effect.

A stress relief ball can be found in all shapes and sizes and can be purchased for a very affordable price in holistic therapy stores and through a variety of online resources. The benefit of a stress relief ball - in addition to its impact and price - is its convenience. Such a ball is portable and compact enough that it can be used just about anywhere and kept in a desk drawer, handbag, or briefcase to be used whenever there is a stressful event.

A stress relief ball is just one in a number of tools being sold on the market today to reduce stress and help us live fuller, more productive lives.

For easy to understand, in depth information about stress relief ball visit our ezGuide 2 Stress Relief.