Competent leaders recognize how to correct issues connected with profits, marketing and sustainable results. They observe the ongoing process, and are able to pick out the pieces of the puzzle that don't lend themselves to creating a smooth running profitable operation. How can it be that leaders can have such an excellent sense of business, but are not able to observe or eliminate ongoing indicators in their bodies or lives that do not produce wellness, healthy results or stress relief? Why wouldn't stress show up on their radar screen so they can process stress relief strategies? The satisfaction of goal success is to be experienced with the emotions of joy and fulfillment, not stress and anxiety.
From the time leaders are identified, they possess certain characteristics, which serve them at many levels. They could be identified as strong, smart, strategic, benevolent, etc. However, the practice of introspection is not a skill that most of the leaders I have coached, have learned yet. In order to lead with excellence and consistency, you must determine what process is required for your own wellness and stress relief.
What effects how you feel? There are many factors in your life that you could evaluate on a weekly or monthly basis that could positively affect your health. In order to lead productively, you need to determine what causes your stress, how your health factors into that stress, and learn stress relief strategies. Once you put these in place, you will be that much closer to achieving goal success.
The bottom line for emerging leaders or senior executive leaders is that in order to support their leadership effectively and to achieve goal success, their own wellness and stress relief habits MUST be habitual.
Stress relief tips to evaluate how well you are creating a sustainable and stress free lifestyle.
o Nutrition - This stress relief tip includes food, supplements, exercise and water. You do not have to eat a complicated diet of macrobiotic, totally organic food in order to be healthy. Daily proteins such as fish, eggs and lean red meats, carbohydrates such as veggies and oatmeal, fresh fruit, a multi-vitamin and mineral supplements will help your energy level, create balanced body chemistry and allow you to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Fish and fish oil creates resilience and great circulation. Protein is the building block of your cellular makeup.
o Sleep - I coach and consult with many leaders who say that they only require 3 to 4 hours of sleep each night. Although your body can function on this small amount of sleep, it cannot function productively. Your body needs 6 to 8 hours of consistent sleep each night. Try two weeks of a schedule that puts you in bed, and allows 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night, and see how much better you will feel and operate.
o Exercise and movement - You cannot deny your body exercise or movement for a long extended period of time, because it confuses the entire body system. Without exercise, fat builds up in the strangest places, and the cells actually get a signal that they should die since they are not being used. The latest studies on exercise show that only ten minutes of exercise at a time, three times a day, will help your body to recognize its healthiness. This is a stress relief tip that will help you look and feel great.
There are hundreds of other stress relief suggestions that I could list here. However, these three key stress relief habits of good nutrition, enough sleep and rest combined with exercise and movement will change your outlook on life. Using these stress relief tips will give you more energy, more fuel and more agility. These stress relief characteristics combined with your core leadership excellence characteristics, will support whatever project or dream you want to accomplish.
This article may be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your website as long as you include the following information: Written by Natalie R. Manor, CEO, author, speaker and executive coach. NMA, Natalie Manor & Associates is your ultimate resource for leadership and communication development for managers and executives to maximize your potential and increase your productivity., (800) 666-2230 , ? Copyright 2009 by Natalie Manor. All rights reserved.