Anxiety is constantly feeling fear, dread or nervousness. This can be a real threat, even though it usually has in mind. We are often illustrated with anxiety are often present in some future event, pahimmassakin event.
Acute anxiety panic is that suddenly appears in a short time. It happens, when there is no real risk. It may happen without warning, even though it is often a uniform responds to specific events. Anxiety panic appears when the facility issues occur.
Note that the phobia is often accompanied by anxiety and panic, as well as the attacks. This is because the phobia associated with the body may be the same as the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks.
Generally speaking, the anxiety is the fear of a future event to respond to one of the fears you have learned how this or experienced in the past.
Signs and symptoms--------
Rapid pulse rate and/or air conditioning. Racing or hakkaaminen, or the heart.
Feeling that you have to "get out", or "get off"
dry mouth. Sweating. Tremor.
breath Shortness. Faintness.
Sting and palpitations, feet or other body part.
Feeling, "lump yksityisstudionsa."
Stomach problems.
SLEEP problems.
Persons who have a panic attack may end up in the emergency room. They think, they have to take a heart attack. They feel like they are going crazy, or is intended to die. They are often told that the tests would not be able to find anything and that they only show the high level of stress.
The people who have repeated panic attacks begin to avoid the attacks in the past, they will be linked to the sites. If a person had to panic and to leave the grocery store, warehouse, feel safe, to avoid the current person in the grocery store. This leads agoraphobiafears is called.
The person who has 4 or more panic attacks 4 weeks may be the Panic disorder. Yleistilaan and may also be present, if the person is less than 4 panic attacks and/or avoidance of the 4 weeks, but is afraid to take another.
Some of the anxiety is normal. It can keep you safe in physical danger. The anxiety is not normal, even if it sends you and interferes with daily life. If you find yourself making plans based on the change or the things that are concerned about the "may happen", which is the anxiety.
The anxiety may be a problem with multiple conditions. These are:
Having too much caffeine.
not enough sleep or sleep habits and display picture
The withdrawal reaction of nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, drugs or medicines, such as pampatulog.
A side effect of some medicines.
Low blood sugar.
overactive thyroid gland.
Cushing's syndrome. The adrenal glands in the endocrine system, kidneys do too much.
(a) of the heart
Anxiety disorders can also be a symptom of anxiety disorders is known. These are:
Panic Disorder.
Treatment Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This person is persistent, involuntary thoughts, or images (obsessions). The person is also in the ritualistic acts, such as a certain self-imposed rules (compulsions) washing hands.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
------- Treatment ---------
Anxiety disorders are very common problems. They often correspond to the treatment. When anxiety is mild, or interfere with daily life, it can work with self care measures. Treatment also includes:
medical condition that causes anxiety or panic attacks.
The Medication.
Self-help groups for anxiety disorders.
Search for stress, which leads to anxiety. Work with it. Use stress management techniques. Don't deep Conditioning exercises. To Meditate.
Reduce the exposure of the things that cause you distress.
Talk about the fears and anxieties, for example, the luottamasi, a friend, partner, teacher, etc.
Exercise regularly (for example, in 30 minutes-1 hour, 5 times a week).
Eat healthy foods. Eat on a regular basis.
Do not Skip meals. If you have a tendency to low blood sugar, eat in episodes 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 larger ones. Avoid confectionery sugar with you regularly to carry out the source at all times, but may be small, such as orange juice. This gives you a quick source of sugar that you get a low blood sugar reaction.
Restrict or avoid caffeine intake of the afternoon.
avoid nicotine and alcohol.
avoiding products that encourage. Examples are the OTC diet pills and pills you stay Awake.
some sort of relaxation exercise on a daily basis. Examples include meditation and deep Conditioning.
Planning for what can be physically and mentally schedule.
Practice using the planned events, which has made you feel anxious or do you think that the cause of anxiety. Imagine yourself feeling calm and in control during the event. Do this several times before it actually happens.
experience the fear. Accept it, do not control. (This may require outside help.)
May be prepared to deal with anxiety symptoms. If you have previously run the paper hyperventilated a bag with you. If you cover the foot and hyperventilate, the nose of the paper bag and the breath and out 10 times
To help the other. This positive feelings can help some of your anxiety, exempt.
READ self-help books, anxiety, panic attacks, etc.
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Best wishes,