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2011年4月6日 星期三

Information about the general anxiety or panic attacks facts

What is Generalized anxiety?

The general anxiety is also called GAD.

GAD is anxiety care to distinguish between the edges of the sidewalls of an inflated or tension and persistent anxiety. Even when nothing seems to start it.

Whose general anxiety, usually through their prediction of the disaster. They are the problems of the family in question too, or the domain associated with the connectivity, the imaginary money and health issues. Sometimes only the idea of trying to make it through the day anxiety incites.

What causes Generalized anxiety?

Research shows that GAD can be hereditary and that stress can play a major role in ramping the intensity, the maximum. However, the exact reason is unknown.

We know that in most cases, the GAD presents itself, or perhaps also developed the earlier stages of life. The symptoms may also tend to develop a little bit slower than other anxiety disorders. When the GAD occurs may become chronic. However, you can manage, if not completely with the correct processing of the current.

The general anxiety is also a substance p.-dependence, in particular, the consumption of alcohol or bentsodiatsepiinin.

What is Panic disorder?

Panic disorder is anxiety. It is identified as a recurring panic attacks, some serious. These attacks can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour at a time.

Panic disorder is a real illness, which has been treated successfully. It is defined as the fear of impending doom, and accompanied by the control to a sudden loss of fear of terror attacks.

Panic attack symptoms may include dizziness, Sweating, hot flashes or · chills, palpitations, or tingling hands or feet, shortness of breath, chest pain and heart with spikes.

What causes Panic disorder?

With GAD, the exact cause is not known, but to run in Families found. It is also known to be hereditary diseases, alcoholism, and many, such as bipolar disorder exist.

Attacks launched by the first major stress, certain lifestyle or physical illnesses. Panic disorder is much greater post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the mood of the patient.

Is also some evidence that show that Panic disorder can aggravate or even caused by menopause, Hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or mitral valve prolapse.

How to deal with Generalized anxiety and Panic Disorder?

There are two main treatments for Panic disorder and GAD, medication and psychotherapy. You can work with one or both of the following on the basis of the medical certificate of a qualified physician.

As the primary drug for Panic disorder and GAD are the benzodiazepines. Medicinal products may also be imposed by the depression.

The problem of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a popular and effective aid to the dramatic GAD psychotherapy.

People have been searching for the most successful and lasting disturbance in the treatment of GAD and the Panic for the past few years. Some of the frequently prescribed medical treatment is to make life miserable for some relatively nasty side effects.

Psychotherapy is a very expensive and in many cases, only partially covered by health insurance, if you are lucky.

These processes are, in principle, only carrying strategies. Many people today, you are looking for alternative treatments for permanent cure. Although the causes of the Panic disorder and GAD are purely to understand some of the very successful treatment options, which allow the long term care.

I have been suffering anxiety and panic attacks with a number of years. Now I am in complete and permanent back on the road.

If you or someone important suffers from anxiety attacks, do something! Back to your life. Book now! I decided to try a method that makes sense to me. Manage your anxiety learning and recognise the anxiety attack about what it is. Only fear and need.

