The International Journal of stress management-is the methodical journal deals with personal and work-related stress experts. This journal contains the "peer review" ensiluokkaisessa the original article, including reviews, theoretical, historical, and empirical articles articles and Book Reviews. Some of the areas of interest, take the "stress and trauma assessment", "stress and trauma management, stress management, and the" treatment of topics.
Published quarterly, the journal, is also the international stress Management Association or official publication of the ISMA. ISMA is committed to a "less stressful world of work" in the organization. The Organization strives to make the training of students and professionals, as well as to make possible the research methods of the sound of the "interdisciplinary stress management", which includes psychology, dentistry, medicine, physical therapy, education and training, therapy, speech therapy, a wide range of companies and industries, and in the field of Psychiatry.
International Journal of stress management, issue 4, Volume 13 (November 2006), are a reflection of the stress and stress management at the international level, which will focus on the four articles, in particular, to stress the "control" at the top of the profession in different subjects. This is a problem in the articles are, inter alia, the
The role of stress in a visible consequences: a Meta-Analytic review
This journal article focuses on "the role of stress". The article examines the role of stress in the middle of know precisely the contested aspects of the role of stress and the effects of the judgment on a regular basis through the meta-analysis techniques to use, the effects of the relationship between the scientific community very well.
Emotional Disonnance, Burnout and the role of performance between the nurses and the police authorities
The articles touch on two studies-101 of the police officers and 108 nurses tested "in demanding the" recipients of connections can lead to emotional Dissonance, which may in turn impaired the performance of the proposal, and employee burnout. In addition, the authors predicted that "the emotional Dissonance" relate to the performance of the role of unconstructively parent burnout.
Posttraumatic stress symptoms, and the police authorities of Subclinical cardiovascular diseases
The article focuses on the present study, that "the stress disorder symptoms, Posttraumatic" subclinical "disease of the heart connections" will be reviewed in the light of the police authorities. The investigation showed that the higher the PTSD symptoms linked to almost double the sample to the police, the reduction of "subclinical cardiovascular disease" brachial Artery FMD "biomarker.
The International Journal of stress Management targets professionals in the field of education, psychiatry, psychology, medicine and other "stress and treating stress researching" field. Stress Management for the International Journal of distributed in hospitals, other health institutions and hospitals. In the order amount is $ 75 and $ 35 for organizations.
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