Stress became one of the silent killers of people in the world today. There are many different types of stress es of people may suffer; and these of stress es are deteriorating well-being of people in such a way that they are becoming victims of various physical and mental diseases. Es stress of may result from work, family relationships, financial problems, education problems, body appearance, physical condition of the body, etc. There are so many of stress es that is difficult to discuss them all in a single heading.
In simple terms stress, can be defined as the condition when some aspect of the human body-physical or mental, is aggravated beyond a specific limit. It can have various effects on people, such as:-
Feelings of isolation, frustration depression and
Raise the level of blood cholesterol and blood pressure, which can cause cardiovascular disease fatal
Decreasing the body's immunity, becoming vulnerable to diseases other
Reducing the mental capacity of the person
Since there are different types stress es, and there are different methods to address them, we will study them individually.
(1) Emotional Stress
This stress is caused due to emotional problems relationship s on including romantic conflicts, rejection, separation and even death. The extent of stress emotional depends on from one person to another. It all depends on how emotionally balanced is the person.
Emotional stress usually affects the heart and the brain. It can bring a change in eating and sleeping patterns of individuals. People more emotionally unstable overexert your brain constantly thinking of the problem.
Ayurvedic point of view, stress emotional is placed in the category of the Sadhaka pitta addiction. This is a sub-dosha valiathan who takes care of the functioning of the heart.
The following points shall be considered food to achieve an emotional stress reduction:-
# Eat sweet foods to bring the mind back to a balanced State. Sweet and succulent foods are very beneficial.
# Every night before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk with some pink essence and its petals on it.
# Use cooling spices like cardamom, coriander and Spearmint in the diet.
# Get a good massage head made with coconut oil or oil of sandalwood.
# Include bitter and astringent foods in the diet.
# Don't stay up late at night.
(2) Stress Mental
Mental stress occurs when the person overexerts mind or uses it in the wrong way. This is also known as stress negative or di stress. This is caused due to overwork, planning too, thinking too much about something, making destructive schemes or conspiracies, etc. This is a stress type, very dangerous because in the long term, it would affect all faculties of the brain and prevent it from functioning.
Vata dosha is responsible for stress mental. In particular, the prana vata is responsible. This is the sub-dosha, vata dosha that is responsible for the normal functioning of the brain.
The following dietary guidelines can help get mental stress relief:-
# Sweet food, bitter and salty must have as they help the vata dosha balancing.
# Milk and dairy products should be included for a fair amount in the daily diet.
# Preference, all food must be cooked in ghee a bit.
# Receive a full body massage done, especially with ksheerabala taila or taila dhanwantari.
# Get adequate sleep per day, for about eight hours at least.
(3) Physical Stress
Physical stress or tension occurs when the body excessively is used, as per other exercise or performing a lot of hard work.
Symptoms of this stress type are pain in various parts of the body, loss of memory and concentration, inability to concentrate on things, clear vision, etc.
This is by far the most important of the three types stress es of, as in all the three doshas can be addicted. Shleshaka kapha can cause problems of adequate lubrication of joints and vyaana vata can mess with normal blood circulation in the body, along with pitta addiction. Since vata and kapha are the doshas most affected, measures are taken to balance vata and kapha stronger.
The following dietary rules can be obeyed in order to achieve this objective.
# Have apples cooked once a day. These are stress big-busters.
# Other foods that are good for physical stress removal are coconuts, almond milk, ghee, and almost all milk products.
# Your own body Massage with oil every day.
# Use shirodhaara therapy is considered useful. To do this, lying on the ground, while a pot filled with oil is hanging just above. A hole is done at the bottom of the pot hole oil drips right about the space between the two eyes.
Among the herbs that are usually prescribed for the treatment of all three types stress es, are included and brahmi, ashwagandha arjuna. Their preparations are also very commonly prescribed.
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