Our body and our mind work like rubber bands. Without life components such as family, work, children, friends, finances and relationships are rubber bands in peace. However, it is quite impossible, without this said life components work. This life components come with a set of needs and expectations we need to meet to productive members of a family and the society. This life components line us out and test how far we can go, without align. Thus we experience stress, stress and anxiety in our day to day life.
Some people recognize this reality and get the correct ways to stress, to relieve physical, emotional or psychological aligned with their stress by developing coping mechanisms. Proper stress relaxes the rubber band and brings it to rest. If there would be no coping mechanisms for stress, the body and mind on stretching to keep until it snaps into place. If a rubber band, it breaks into pieces, and can no more than a whole lines.
Why the analogy? Others can deny the fact simply, experience emotional or mental stress and this is where symptoms develop physical stress. These symptoms surface, if the different parts of the body have to deal with the person of align or succumb to emphasize to prevent. Here are some physical stress symptoms like that below listed, it's time for you to do a quick reality check and take a breather.
Muscle pain
Muscle aches are common if you are experiencing physical stress. For example, called for General cleaning chore expect a lot of lift mopping, carry, push and pull all your muscles get sore and pain for a day or two. Muscle pain may also occur from a position too long stay. The whole day can stay on your PC to meet a deadline stress on your back and neck, cause you hurting.
Abdominal pain
Your stomach and intestines parties constantly. This is digested the way you your food. If you are stressed or anxious, your stomach is stimulated more contract, and faster, produce more acidity that irritate the lining of the stomach. The contractions cause a stomach pain compared to loose bowel movements. The acid can also cause that vomiting or sharp pains in a stomach.
Tension-type headache
Think of it this way. Your brain is like a machine you can use to multi-tasking. But if you dump too much info in there and couple this with no proper sleep and a poor diet, you are required to maintain tension headaches, which could take days.
Weight loss
If you're stressed, use more calories. Unfortunately, people who are stressed, lose your appetite and don't care much about feeding itself. So your body resembles the increased need for calories by using the glycogen in your muscles and liver stores, and this is why it wasting muscle and weight loss.
Heart palpitations
Finally, stress requires more oxygen. Cells in the body would die without enough oxygen. So, the heart compensates more and faster to as much blood as possible in the rest of the body by pumping to get. As a result, be strong, fast impulse and a sensation, that suggests your heart feel from the chest.
Carl Walters is a stress relief enthusiast and enjoys people control of your life with a positive attitude and stress management tips to help. Learn about the physical symptoms of stress and the stress information elsewhere.