Often real and very unpleasant symptoms cause stress and anxiety. A 29 year old man is feeling weak and weak and tingling in all rushed to the hospital rank for breath. Is he a heart attack? A stroke? No, its not turned out to be due to an anxiety attack, or hyperventilation ' caused.
If something raised his stress response, he started automatically more deep breathing to get extra oxygen to the muscles, but he was able to take a deep breath because his chest muscles were really close. He thought automatically "There is something wrong with my heart" or "I'm having a stroke!". The tightness and choking increases sense his fear. Unable to breathe deeply he breathing faster instead started. Fast breathing blood be made less acidity, his hands and fingers tingled and he felt drowsiness and woozy - as if he was going to die!
Sometimes the cause of the symptoms is quite clear. Usually a typical combination of symptoms and signs point "Physical" diseases and stress is an obvious cause, if we are under pressure - maybe at work or difficult people only symptoms. But diagnosis is more difficult if unpleasant symptoms, the mismatch of a particular disease and there is no obvious source of stress.
Here are some tips: questions to describe your doctor for enough time for you, your symptoms in detail and a thorough investigation. If you worried about serious illness, tell you so, and perhaps write your questions.
If the cause of the symptoms is not clear, we must consider always serious physical illness and stress, and the best diagnostic tool is accurate and complete story. Lists all of the symptoms, the time and the order in which they appeared and what brings up or makes even worse. Generally give us a 'physical' disease symptoms in an area during stress often symptoms in many systems at once – as such as palpitations causes, tight breathing, plus disturbed digestion and sleep, reduced energy and moods disturb. Think about potential sources of stress, because many people under more pressure than you to realize. Keep in mind that the body to serious problems can react before we consciously recognize you.
If you can believe, your complaints caused by stress, can you think you need tests or X-rays to 'exclude' serious illness. But if symptoms are typical for fear, and the physical examination is normal, tests show often unsuspected diseases - research shows you actually can increase our anxiety level.
When stress is the problem, what is the next step? Our patient is shown as you slowly and smoothly - relax a paper bag by inhalation, in and out of the peace of mind. Re breathing acid carbon dioxide normalizes the acidity of the blood and the tingling and Wooziness disappear.
In the long term we have symptoms of stress and anxiety to understand. Instead of dwelling on you, we can use you as a source of energy, to help us to make positive changes. We can choose to reduce commitments, learn relaxation exercise vigorously, adjust our attitude to learn new skills or to seek advice. Severe anxiety disorders may require medication. Although symptoms can be very uncomfortable, you can also contact us more control over our responses to stress and to more satisfaction and happiness to lead.
Dr. Dave Rainham teaches Stress management and relaxation at the Stresswinner.com.