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2010年12月19日 星期日

Stress relief a large part of the week end NCTC

Students in North Central Texas College campuses are taking their final exams this week and Tuesday found many students in Gainesville campus busy studying and some in relief after finishing all final.

Student Daniel Kirby, a sophomore, already had finished their examinations.

Kirby was on his way with a bag full of textbooks of the semester to sell them to College and buy books for its forthcoming lessons in January.

Kirby said that most of their classes this semester were online, thus ending their examinations maybe sooner than most students.

Student Ryan Mangum, which will be a sophomore next semester, took three classes this semester and finished his last final exam on Tuesday morning.

Mangum said it is difficult to keep the stress low level during the week end.

"I try to relax whenever I can," he said, "but it is not easy. Working as a supervisor at Walmart and going to school can be stressful, especially during finals week ".

A table of students in the program were LVN canteen winding down after finishing their final three.

Student Jody Tomlinson "we take today online one and two examinations in class yesterday," said.

When asked how they maintain their level of stress down during week end that Pam Miller joked, "you don't want to know".

Student Le Lawton said they study groups and had a strong support system in their classes.

Lawton "started the year together in January, and this is our last semester," he continued. "Now we just have the State test."

The success of the Department of student on campus offers workshops on examinations and test anxiety management. Student success Coordinator Tracey Fleniken teaches workshops throughout the semester, which are available to all students.

"How to Survive Exam weeks" is available for all students through the Department of student success a brochure and offers many suggestions on how to survive the final exams. Suggestions were compiled by the Learning Center at the University of Texas.

Deal with the tension is a topic about the survival sheet and includes ways to manage stress: take time to relax, to adopt a positive approach, keep away from people who are very concerned because anxiety is contagious and plan rewards for yourself after finishing the final phase.

Throughout the Department of English and mathematics laboratory, Tuesday is a relatively quiet day.

"Yesterday and last week was very busy," noted Deputy Department of Barbara Simpson student traffic in the lab.

Professor of mathematics Kristine Clinton said that many students were in the lab week for extra help in preparing for final examinations.

Scott Pulte, TRiO Adviser in College, said that they offer classes after exams throughout the semester to students of the faculty under its grant funded by the Federal Government.

Pulte "test and management of test anxiety is a class that we offer for students," said. "For some students, end can determine the degree of whole class.

Pulte "things are more stressful moment of the semester with final exams," he noted. "There's a lot of pressure on performance".

In the library, Julie Gieb, a senior in radiology, was studying for an exam end with your notes and previous exams. She took two examinations on Monday.

Gieb said she normally "congestion" when it comes to exams.

"I do note cards to help me study", its method of study. "It really helps me to go through them and I also spend my old exams".

Gieb works to help keep your stress low level during the week end, but said she really don't think you can get rid of stress during weekends.

Library Assistant Cope Stormy said (Tuesday) the library is much more quiet.

"Last week was really busy", he added, "much busier than usual, with people coming in and out. We had a lot of study groups too. "

Finals in NCTC performs Thursday December graduation with planned for Friday in Leo Fieldhouse on the campus of Gainesville.

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