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2010年12月14日 星期二

Ujjayi Pranayama for Stress Relief

What is stress?
Stress is the term used to describe the feelings and sensations that occur when you get overloaded. When you have more things to deal with what you're used to dealing with your body will react as if you are in danger and the response of "fight or flight" is thrown. The fight or flight response is the mechanism of Defense body physically prepares you to engage danger or flee to safety. Several things happen when this answer is thrown. Different chemicals are released into your bloodstream. Deepens your breathing and increases your heart rate, your muscles tense and your senses are heightened. While that this response is natural and necessary that should occur only when you are in danger. Unfortunately, many live in permanent state of fight or flight as a response to requests from daily life.

While some tensions are required and can be beneficial, experience too much stress takes a heavy toll on the body. Stress is known to cause many health problems, including difficulty sleeping and a lowered immune system. Without adequate sleep, your body is not able to repair and restore the same. If your immune system is reduced, it cannot successfully fight off disease. Experiencing too much stress, not sleeping enough and with an immune system that cannot defend against the disease are a trifecta of circumstances that can lead to physical degradation.

Using techniques based on yoga you can halt the reactions related to stress and even reverse the effects of living with too much stress may have had in your body. The first step is to become aware of their bodily reactions when you are stressed out.

Signs of stress
Sometimes there are very obvious signs that you are stressed. They may include shortness of breath, an increase of strong emotions like anger, frustration, or even a pounding headache. Other times you may not realize their physical symptoms immediately. Unknowingly you can tighten your jaw or your shoulders and neck may ache at the end of the day being held Stiffly. Spend some time analyzing where stress is appearing as a physical indicator for you. Become aware of how stress manifests itself in your body will concentrate its efforts to create relief for yourself.

Breathing through
After being made aware of your stress, using pranayama exercises is an effective way to immediately begin to reduce your stress level. Pranayama is the practice of regular breathing and works well to help balance thoughts and emotions. Pranayama exercises do not require any special equipment and can be done anywhere that make them ideal as an immediate solution when the pressure begins to be awesome.

An example of a simple and effective exercise of pranayama is Ujjayi Pranayama. Ujjayi Pranayama is also referred to as the breath victorious or ocean Breath. To accomplish this exercise constriction back of your throat as you inhale and exhale through the nose for your soa breath as washing waves to the coast. Inhale deeply through your nose and the lungs fill up all the way, as if they are being populated by your inhaling balloons. As you inhale slowly count to five, then hold your breath for a count of one or two. Then Exhale slowly through the nose for a count of five and stay again by another count one or two. Focusing and governing ujjayi breathing breath using creates space in the body so that the muscles that are being conducted tight can release. For example you can feel your shoulders suspended your back and stretch your neck, giving emphasis to your cervical spine as you breathe with intention.

Using Ujjayi Pranayama can bring immediate relief in stressful situations. Development of a more varied practice pranayama can be an effective solution to reduce the stress in your life in the long term. If you're thinking about starting a yoga practice, or if you have an established practice, adding in pranayama exercises will give you another level of support to deal successfully with the stresses of everyday life.

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