Stress is a part of our daily lives and in small quantities we can be good. It calls us to meet and exceed current limits to stronger, faster, better. However, there are people for whom stress is a daily current problem that adversely affects their lives and even your health. In very severe cases can stress become so overwhelming that it makes literally shut you down. For these people, stress management is imperative if you go to live healthy and fulfilling lives.
What are symptoms of stress?
Stress symptoms may in both the physical body and psychologically occur. Physical stress symptoms overwhelming fatigue, muscle tension, headache and stomach intestine not as abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea and excessive weight loss or weight gain.
Psychological stress symptoms can occur, and you can aggravate symptoms actually physical stress. Nervousness, fear, or (sleep or too much), no longer enjoy activities overeating, insomnia once enjoyed, negative mood changes and being tempered short all psychological stress are symptoms.
How stress management is best addressed?
If you belong to those significant stress have symptoms (mental, emotional, or both) so that impact your life and the ability to enjoy it negatively, there are things you can do to make it easier.
First of all, rentable, giving you emphasize what is. It is a good chance that you can modify external circumstances so that your stress automatically without any other type of intervention, go down.
The fact is, all of us need balance and time for the destruction. World, in today's 24 hours a day, seven days week multitasking is admirable, then all the time "on the go" is something you are expected to be proud. Still, this is not, as we are built, and we need time to rebuild to relax, sleep and simply "be" as much as we need too busy to be productive and work.
Identify your stress: is it permanent or temporary?
It can be difficult "go, go, go" with this mentality to even identify if you are experiencing stress. We are out this to "on" the time that we slow down long enough, can not all. So for a few days, keep a journal and write moments, you identify particularly stressful feeling simply.
Take after a few days a look back at what you have written and find out what makes you feel particularly stress. Are you coming up with exams at school? This is the "normal" stress. In general this temporary stress is, go the way once the tests are over.
But if you have some pretty permanently running stress (for example, you are to go full time in the school and work a full time and part time job in addition to), it's no wonder you feel constantly stressed. Your body does not mean, work in a position "on" all the time.
In this case it's time to make some changes. You simply need some time in your schedule to have "down" time and of course, enough time to sleep and eat properly. Most people need between seven and eight hours of sleep per night. In addition is healthy (not lazy) to give it, are at least an hour to do something, you want at least a few times a week, if not every day-even if that means just sit and read time wanted for a long time a book. People who are balanced and not stressed out make time for leisure, relaxation and sleep, as well as for jobs family and responsibilities.
Nutrition questions, to
If your diet contains much caffeine or sugar or unhealthy foods, your fear can be higher than a matter of course levels and stress. The fact is that your body needs good nutritious foods properly. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium and vitamins such as B vitamins are natural emotional regulators. In other words, are not only good for the body, but you are good for your mind. If you not enough of these in your diet get could fear or stress only this lack experience. Try getting a balanced diet and a good multivitamin and mineral supplement in in addition to the other lifestyle changes through previously spoken.
If insufficient external changes
If your stress is prolonged or falls to normal levels with changes to the schedule, so you time to the relax and distress, enough sleep and eat properly it can be helpful to speak with a consultant or psychiatrist. In some cases, medications can help if nothing else has worked.
The bottom line
Stress management is something that everyone has to do. Whether you manage your stress can simply by including lifestyle and dietary changes, or whether you need more help in the form of advice, health care intervention or a fear Management Guide, you can manage your stress so that your life again healthy, balanced and pleasant.
Bruno Miguel
Back suffer, GAD (General anxiety disorder)