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2010年12月31日 星期五

Causes of stress - answers to some frequently asked questions

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What are the major causes of stress?

The discomforting physical and mental sensation we call "stress" is caused by our minds, and then our bodies, reacting to fear or change. When we have fears around work, sex, guilt, lack of time, relationships, money, loss of control, health, and failure, our minds can race ahead of the present moment and create imagined future scenarios that have outcomes we don't want. Conflict is created when our values (safety, security, fulfillment, love) conflict with our real or anticipated realities.

Each of us experiences a unique set of "stressors" that cause us to imagine and create in any moment the perception of fear or change. As an example, one person at the top of the roller coaster ride may be absolutely terrified and white as a sheet as he clutches the hand bar, while the person sitting next to him may be howling with anticipation of a thrilling hands-over-head high speed plunge down the rail.

Psychological stress is caused by what we individually consciously perceive as a threat to our mental and physical well-being. Regardless of whether the threat is real or completely imagined, our bodies react physiologically to the perceived threat in the same way.

How can I tell if I'm stressed?

Commonly seen symptoms of stress include allergies, anxiety, arthritis, back problems, colds and flu, depression, digestive disturbances, exhaustion, fatigue, headaches, heart disease, irritability, and restlessness. There also can be loss of concentration, libido, creativity, sleep, and productivity.

A report by the American Institute of Stress stated that 75 to 90 percent of visits to primary care physicians were for stress related complaints. Other studies have concluded that more than one-third of American's consider themselves to be significantly stressed, and in today's modern complex society that number appears to be growing. In 2009 Americans spent more than $18 billion on sleeping pills and anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs.

What's the difference between "acute" and "chronic" stress?

"Acute" stress is a temporary psychological sensation that comes and goes around specific experiences or perceptions, such as a wedding, speaking engagement, auto accident, facing the boss to ask for a raise, and so on. Mild acute stress can be good for us because it stimulates our brains and bodies to deliver a peak momentary performance.

"Chronic" stress, on the other hand, is the longer lasting psychological sensation that is created by extended periods of anxiety and fear. With our "minds" in this mode, our brain continuously releases, among other compounds, the hormones cortisol and adrenaline into our blood streams. While these neurochemicals are useful to us in short bursts to implement the "flight or fight" response, in prolonged doses our internal organs, bathed in unnaturally high levels of these and other natural compounds, become "diseased" with malfunctioning cellular physiology, and we get sick.

How does stress affect my mind?

"Not right now - I'm too stressed!" may sound familiar to you. When we are stressed physically, nutritionally, or psychologically, many of us can sense that internally, things aren't right. We can't concentrate well, we're irritable and unpleasant, we're anxious about trivial things, we have more frequent negative attitudes and forgetfulness, we seem to be out of control, and we feel depressed and tired. Less evident is but equally important is our loss of creativity, libido, and productivity. All of this is a result of chemical imbalances created by the brain responding to our conscious perception of fear or change.

How does stress affect my body?

The same chemical imbalances that create mental instability also have detrimental effects on health of our body parts. All sorts of physical disorders, like allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancer, immune system weakening, diabetes, hair loss, heart disease, ulcers, and sleep loss have been attributed to hormonal imbalances caused by chronic stress.

How do my attitudes and values affect my levels of stress?

If you are generally a fearful person (fearful of strangers, new environments, speed, loss of security, heights, dealing with phobias, etc.), you could expect to experience elevated levels of stress and the attendant symptoms and diseases. If you are a less fearful person (easy going, adventurous, calm, positive attitude, emotionally stable, etc.), then you probably experience lower stress levels and overall better health.

The values you hold (confidence, trust, compassion, sharing, optimism, objectivity, honesty, etc.) determine your attitudes, and it's your conscious attitudes that determine your psychological responses in all of your life situations (recall the rollercoaster riders described above). When you compromise your values, you create conflict between what you want and what is, has, or will, happen. You can minimize your stress responses by remaining true to your values and embracing attitudes that develop your positive living. (That's one of the growth behaviors I work on with my coaching partners).

Can the Serenity Prayer help me?

Absolutely! Recall, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Mental conflict that creates fear and unwanted change is what fuels stress. If you can acknowledge all those things you don't want in your life but have no control over, then you reasonably would accept them. So that conflict is gone. If you are objective and honest, then you'll apply yourself to make the changes in your life that bring to you greater security, love, fulfillment, and what ever else it is that you want. So that conflict is gone too. What's left? Accepting that there are no guarantees in life, you can dis-empower all the stuff you can't change and empower all the things you can. No more fear, no more anxiety around unwanted change. No more over-stressed you! (Yes, it's easier said than done! Let's talk.)

Why do some people really push my "stress button"?

Your stress button gets pushed and you instantly develop an destructive attitude with a "reaction" (not a thought-out "response") when someone creates conflict with your values on a specific subject. It may be the way they talk, an opinion they have, how they carry themselves physically, how they verbally attack you or someone you care about, a bad habit they have that annoys you, or any other personality traits that you negatively react to.

It's all a matter of why and how you react - if you didn't care about their sloppy clothes (you choose not to go to judgment on the issue), than their appearance would be a non-issue. So, it's not so much about them as it is about you. As long as you react in judgment of people, you will have buttons that can be pushed, which is discomforting to us because then we feel like we are not in control. (I work with my clients to revise their value systems and conscious responses that free them from the negative judgment trap that creates stress).

How can I deal with my stressful work environment?

Very frequently the sources of stress at work seem to originate outside of our selves - with someone else. Their abusive behavior or words, their lack of appreciation, or their arrogance create conflict within us about what is happening and what should be "right".

At the outset you can approach the challenge in two basic ways: direct communications about your feelings and rational suggestions about changes that could make significant improvements (not just for you), or you can "rise above it all" and mentally position yourself so that you are no longer vulnerable to, or victim of, the source of the stress. The stress source may continue, but since you are now transparent to it, it will pass right through you with no effect. Admittedly, this is easier said then done, which is why I work very closely with my work stress relief partners on developing "mindfulness" that allows one to remain upright and solid at work in the midst of chaos and fear.

How can I deal with stress in my love life?

In my work on living unconditional love, I have come to appreciate the extreme value of honesty: "Self Honesty" practiced within one's mind and spirit to achieve a high level of self-knowledge and commitment to positive values; and "Expressed Honesty" that shares one's intent to offer constructive energy that benefits all humanity.

"The devil is in the details", particularly when you are dealing with the complex issue of love. If you are living honesty, then you will know what you need in order to be happy and you will communicate it in every moment. You will also reciprocate by encouraging your loved ones to know and communicate their needs. Honesty allows every person to achieve his or her fulfillment. The strength of one's intent to create win/win outcomes is a good indication of true love. Many of the stresses found in love relationships (dishonesty, poor communications, insensitivity, lack of sharing and openness, thoughtlessness, feelings of vulnerability) can be remedied by you when you live complete honesty from your Higher Self.

How can I help my children to deal with stress?

What I wrote above about honesty in love relationships also applies to your relationships with children. The young mind of a child, however, does not always have the benefits of experience to know how to distinguish fact from fiction, or how to reach objective conclusions or make wise decisions that are derived from time-tested wisdom. An extra dose of compassion often is appropriate when you are dealing with the less experienced mind.

When a child knows that his or her parents, as role models, demonstrate complete honesty and openness and acceptance of everyone's realities, then you have a child who is capable of minimizing stress producing inner conflict that comes from the contradictions children frequently receive as they grow up. Thanks to mom's and dad's higher consciousness, a well-centered child can live a life with relatively low levels of stress because he or she, to some degree, consciously or subconsciously, has learned to accept the Serenity Prayer.

How can I get rid of my nagging worries and anxieties?

The simple answer is: Live a fearless life!

Admittedly, a life free of all fear probably is not possible (and actually it's not desirable) because our egos and imaginations constantly create all sorts of future threatening scenarios. Some scenarios have highly desirable outcomes that cause us to rise up to eager anticipation (if I drive faster I could get there on time), while others send us in the opposite direction where we cringe with the anticipation of really undesirable outcomes (if I'm speeding, any accident I may have will probably be worsened). That's the Yin/Yang of being alive and thinking and making choices.

An enlightened person knows how to control his or her ego and imagination in order to remain focused on (and therefore manifest) the positive outcomes (I'll drive safely and find solutions for any problems arising from being late). You can minimize your nagging worries and anxieties by practicing the creative problem solving techniques I use in coaching stress relief.

Why is it that some people just seem to be relaxed all of the time?

It's easy for me to envision the truth of the statement, "Ignorance is bliss." If I'm ignorant of everything, would I be living in a state of complete bliss (even if I'm not Buddhist or Hindu)? To me the word "bliss" implies complete freedom from stress. Therefore, is ignorance a way to achieve a stress-free life? Perhaps, but there are other implications here that make complete ignorance not a wholly wise choice.

So, I'd like to qualify the term to "selective ignorance", where we consciously choose to acknowledge and respond to only issues in our lives that make a difference and that we have some degree of control over (again, see the Serenity Prayer discussion above). My impression is that people who seem to be perpetually relaxed enjoy a state of mind that emphasizes the positive over the negative, they are solution oriented, they have a high level of self-confidence, and they lead well-balanced lives.

If I live more in my Higher Self, will I experience less stress?

First, let's have an understanding of what "Higher Self" is. For me, Higher Self is my conscious acceptance of my Soul, the spiritual place of my Godliness connection that I can willfully tap into when I consciously choose to live unconditional love. Enlightened people spend most of their lives living from, and within, their Higher Self.

I believe we all have a Soul that resides within our minds, and it is connected to every other Soul on Earth through our collective human consciousness network. I believe it is "Higher", or above, the pedestrian level of our mortal lives where we often choose to give in to the temptations of dishonesty, greed, fear, separation, limited sharing and other traits of our Overly Protective Egos (OPiE).

I believe that people who live from their Higher Self enjoy much greater happiness and health owing to the absence of stress and conflict that is generated by the selfish and unfulfilled needs of the egoic mind. When you choose to live the values of your Higher Self, I believe you'll find your mortal/spiritual life alignment to be remarkably streamlined and filled with positive, constructive energy.

Are you ready to make an significant investment in the enrichment of your future?

Your time for coaching arrives when your mental, physical, and financial costs of maintaining the status quo exceed the cost of your growth benefits from coaching.

As a certified stress relief and relaxation coach, my passion is to help people like you to feel the wondrous joy of smiling bigger in their hearts and minds. I stimulate my coaching partners to achieve better health and happiness by improving their personal and professional relationships, self-confidence, career performance, productivity, goal setting, time management, and emotional stability. I'm available for individual and group coaching, and at my website you can sign up for a complimentary introductory coaching consultation. Let's talk so that your personal enrichment adventure can more quickly move forward!

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Saitek Eclipse II Keyboard (PK02AU)Eclipse II Keyboard. True-Vu key illumination through the keys in three colors - Blue, Red and Purple. 104-key keyboard with LED key illumination and backlighting, Zero-Slope design and adjustable wrist rest for ergonomic comfort. Plug'N'Play design with USB connector features Variable lighting levels, plus volume control/Mute, and Play/Pause, skip and stop media keys. Silver and black finish features black keys with lazer-cut lettering.

Price: $69.95

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Jane Fonda's Yoga Exercise Workout [VHS]

Jane Fonda's Yoga Exercise Workout [VHS]It was probably inevitable that Jane Fonda, who played such a defining role in the aerobics boom of the 1980s, would be on the yoga train as well when it started rolling in the 1990s. And on this tape (recorded in 1993), she does a good job of it. The focus is on the "sun salutation," a connected series of poses that builds strength, flexibility, and balance, and with repeated practice this offers what Fonda calls "an excellent full-body workout." The program is divided into three sections, any one of which can be practiced on its own. The first breaks down the various poses comprising the sun salute, while the second is devoted to several repetitions of the salute itself; three variations are offered, two incorporating some of Fonda's own techniques and one that's closer to the "classical" or "Series C" salutation. The final section (which might actually be a better place to prepare for your practice than to finish it) focuses on relaxation and breathing. Fonda's manner is brisk, but her instructions are clear and concise, and while the tape isn't especially difficult, it should prove challenging enough for beginners and most intermediates. --Kelly Welldon

Price: $9.98

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2010年12月30日 星期四

Detecting Stress

Are suffering from stress? Has been lately feeling low of everything that is happening in your life? Is the main reason behind all the negativity that suffers from stress?

Many people suffer from stress these days. However, only a few of these people who really know that they are stressed.

There are a lot of things you can do to eliminate the stress in your life. However, to make certain efforts and get relief stress suffer, you need to know that they have been attacked by stress.

Here are some symptoms that indicate that you are stressed out.

(a) memory problems of

It is one of the main problems suffered by persons who are lifeless.

(b) indecision

Most of us are indecisive sometime in our lives. However, if this becomes a matter of regulating and then took seriously. There is something wrong. This is a strong indication that you are experiencing a lot of stress.

(c) the inability to concentrate

When suffering from stress, are not generally able to focus. It is almost impossible to concentrate on one thing.

(d) problems to think

One is unable to think clearly when stressed.

(e) statement poor

Too often, we are not able to judge correctly. Most of our trial goes wrong. This is due to stress that we face in our lives.

(f) negative approach

Experiencing a lot of stress can put the negative impact on our lives. Tends to occur every thing only in a negative way.

(g) anxiety

When you are under stress, tends to show much anxiety. You may also suffer from racing thoughts of the past or what will happen in the future.

(h) ongoing concern

Stress makes an individual concern constantly about different things in life.

(i) loss of objectivity

This is another strong sign of stress. One tends to feel that he or she has no object in life.

(j) fearful anticipation

Nothing seems to go right when under stress. Stress felt a happened something wrong or something bad will happen. Thereafter, one tends to think of the consequences of the bad.

(k) short temper

Stress can affect your temperament. One tends to get very short tempered. Therefore, if you think that they have become definitive unusually temperate or tend to lose easily temperament, need to do something about. Suffer much stress.

(l) depression or general discontent

When you are under stress, one tends to feel depressed or get unhappy without any reason.

(m) a feeling of loneliness

One may feel lonely, is unable to maintain a relationship or make friends. This is due to stress that one faces to.

(n) not to sleep

A lot of stress makes it difficult for an individual to enjoy the sound sleep.

Other major symptoms of stress are:

or Feeling overwhelmed

or chest pain

or fast palpitations

or individual sessions of skin

or loss of libido

Frequent cold or

or nervous habits

or Overreacting unexpected problems

or expedition fights with others without good reason.

or the rectified teeth

Remember that eliminate the stress of his life, must recognize stress.

For more articles, news, information, advice and resources about stress, visit TIPS for stress and stress free and MEDITATION Council

2010年12月26日 星期日

2010年12月25日 星期六

Feliway ORMD-D Behavior Modifier, 75 ml Spray

Feliway ORMD-D Behavior Modifier, 75 ml SprayTo stop or to prevent urinary marking by the cat. To stop vertical scratching by the cat. To comfort the cat in an unknown or stressful environment (cage, car, boarding, new house, etc.). Feliway may be used in other specific cases and we advise you to discuss the use of the product with your vet.

Price: $34.99

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To survive the stress and tension in the Central Square in New York City, New York (1)

Is a village in the central Square, Oswego County, New York, United States. The population was 1,646 is the 2000 census.

The village is situated in the heart of the central Square in Hastings Town Route 49 and US Route 11 South part. The village is West of Interstate 81. Oneida Lake is a village in the northwest.

The site was a Native American trails, which came at the beginning of the Trustees give way to the crossing. First, the central Square was called "Loomis corners" Loomis, who after the Chester hotel built there. The community came later, also the railroad junction. It attracts a lot of train watchers, as you can see the article number below to view the video.

What are the best strategies and measures to cope with stress and tension in the Central Square in New York? We would like to know.

Stress management may be adopted in accordance with the most local level, and for this reason, we ask the inhabitants of the Central square and tell us what actions or they have to cope with stress and excitement in the strategies.

Activities may include sports, games, social events, organize the community times. Maybe you can recommend local organisations, which offer excellent facilities and services, which are used to stress reduction.

Please also freely recommend local doctors, psychologists, or housing facilities, which offer excellent local services, in order to facilitate the management of the stress.

Add your comment and to participate in the discussion of the add your comment in the box below.

Please feel free to Check your stress toughness by using our free Stress toughness Test the current level.

We acknowledge Wikipedia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License, on the basis of information supplied by gratefully. The full article view is Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Staying in good and happy, Pinos AltOS New Mexico

Pinos AltOS, near Pinos AltOS was in 1860, the gold strike gold in the Mountains after the discovery of the mining town, now formed the Government. The city was is located approximately 5-10 nautical miles of the present day Silver City, New Mexico to the North. It was the Pinos AltOS Battle Arizona Pinos AltOS Guards, the Confederate Arizona territorial Militia-reputation of the company and the Apache Mangas Coloradas and Cochise site. The city is 88053 Zipcode.

the buckhorn saloon
Creative Commons LicensePhoto credit: outofthebox27

What are the best strategies and actions are staying happy and joyful Pinos AltOS New Mexico? We would like to know.

Stress management may be adopted in accordance with the most local level, and for this reason, we ask the inhabitants of the Pinos AltOS tell us, what measures or for the purpose of staying happy they were engaged and happy strategies.

Activities may include sports, games, social events, organize the community times. Maybe you can recommend local organisations, which offer excellent facilities and services, which are used to stress reduction.

Please also freely recommend local doctors, psychologists, or housing facilities, which offer excellent local services, in order to facilitate the management of the stress.

Add your comment and to participate in the discussion of the add your comment in the box below.

Please feel free to Check your stress toughness by using our free Stress toughness Test the current level.

We acknowledge Wikipedia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License, on the basis of information supplied by gratefully. The full article view is Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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2010年12月24日 星期五

Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls (90 Pearls)

Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls (90 Pearls)-Increases beneficial bacteria in the lower intestine by up to 600%.
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Feliway Plug-In Diffuser with Refill, 48 Milliliters

Feliway Plug-In Diffuser with Refill, 48 MillilitersThe secret to this innovative product is not a drug or a tranquilizer, but pheromones, natural chemicals secreted by animals to communicate. Feliway mimics the facial pheromone released by cats to calm and reassure other cats. The Comfort Zone plug-in will relax your kitten or cat in these stressful situations and more: when transporting, boarding or hospitalizing, when moving to a new home, and when introducing a new household member. Just screw the plug-in onto the bottle, gently tighten, and plug into an ordinary household electric socket.

Price: $34.99

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2010年12月23日 星期四

Give the gift of less stress with emWave PC of HeartMath ® personal stress reliever

A technology unique stress relief comes as a choice of popular holiday gift and he also drew attention of many celebrities.

Boulder Creek, CA (PRWEB) December 3, 2009.

If you are tired of buying the same old gifts every year and need something unique that shows the caution, give the gift of less stress with a emWave PC personal stress reliever R.

If it is your spouse, boss, roommate, or one of its children-when they are stressed affects you too. This distinctive gift idea combines the advantage of an elegant and mobile technology, with the benefits of zen-like learning to quiet the mind and soothe the nerves are damaged.

The emWave PC Personal Stress reliever (PSR) developed by HeartMath R, the world leader in solutions of stress scientifically validated, is a legal device of lifestyle that is fun, but practical and he won several awards. Over 10000 health professionals use the emWave PC technologies of the United States to help patients to reduce the stress and anxiety.

Stress is a huge energy zapper--it can drain us, leave us, cause insomnia irritable, contribute to that spare tire around the waist, increase blood pressure, and the list of undesirable effects continues. Whatever the outcome, stress can go for a while before we realized how much he is impacting us.

EmWave PC technology of HeartMath trains the user change stress on demand. The emWave PC PSR ($ 199) is based on almost 20 years of research on the crucial link between emotions, cardiac function and cognitive performance.

THE PSR emWave PC teaches the user to access a State of high performance called coherence. Coherence refers to an experience of persons mental and emotional state, when the body systems to be synchronized. Specifically, coherence means that the heart, brain and nervous system operate in more harmony and efficiency. Simply stated, more consistency equals improved, more energy and less stress resistance.

Weighing just 2.2 grams with dimensions slightly smaller than an iPod, emWave PC PSR reads rhythms of the heart through his finger built-in sensor and gives immediate feedback. The device reflects the emotional state through sound and colored lights. THE PSR emWave PC also includes an option for hands-free and a CD-ROM with animated instruction that walks the user through rapid coherence R technique of HeartMath for instant stress relief.

This stress relief device unique drew attention of many celebrities, including AnnaLynne McCord, known for his role as Lord of Eden in the TV series FX Nip/Tuck and mark Salling known as disk in the series Golden Globe Award winning Glee.

McCord said: "this (emWave PC) is amazing. Public speaking makes me crazy. I need my emWave PC ".

Salling tried the emWave PC at a recent charity event and was fascinated with its possibilities. Salling said, "get out! This is so cool. This would be very nice to get together. "

HeartMath also offers a computer version of this technology called the emWave PC R Desktop ($ 299). The desktop version incorporates the same technology as the PSR, with a number of additional features.

The emWave PC desktop is used with a personal computer (PC or Mac) and allows you to store and track your progress over time and analyze previously recorded sessions (see video demo). The program includes three colorful, interactive games, designed to train it to create an emotional positive change and learn how to transform stress into creative energy. Another feature of emWave PC desktop is your emotion Visualizer R that provides stunning images that emit varying degrees of color and motion as you adjust your emotional state.

The emWave PC Desktop comes with a USB interface, an ear clip sensor that connects to your computer and collects data from your heart. The program translates then information from your heart rhythms in user-friendly charts displayed on the computer screen. As you apply the reduced stress quick technical coherence learned with the tutorial, you will see its rhythms of the heart change in real time.

EmWave PC technology of HeartMath has won the award for innovation and the distinction of the American Institute of stress. He also gained recognition among consumers as the winner of the choice of prestigious Last Gadget standing of people of 2009, which represents the best of the best in Consumer Electronic Show.

The emWave PC hand-held PSR and emWave PC desktop are prices comparable to other electronic products offered this holiday season, but the developers say the technology costs a nominal charge for the health benefits and lifestyle can offer.

EmWave PC products can be purchased at or via webshop developer.

To learn more about the technology of HeartMath and emWave PC, go to and stay updated about latest stress relief resources of HeartMath, joining their pages of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

About HeartMath:
The HeartMath System was created by child doc. HeartMath LLC, a company of high-quality performance, provides a range of unique services, products and technologies to improve the health and well-being, dramatically reducing the stress. HeartMath clinical studies have demonstrated the critical link between emotions, cardiac function and cognitive performance. HeartMath studies were published in various journals, as American Journal of Cardiology, medical preventive cardiology stress, and Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Their organizational clients include Stanford Business School, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Kaiser Permanente, Duke Medical Center, NASA and dozens of school systems and thousands of health professionals worldwide. Premium HeartMath emWave PC technologies include the emWave PC personal stress reliever and the emWave PC desktop. The emWave PC personal stress reliever won Choice Award Last Gadget standing of people in 2009 International Consumer Electronics Show, the prize for innovation and the distinction of American Institute of stress and caregiver friendly Award from today's caregiver magazine.

# # #

Gabriella Boehmer
HeartMath LLC
831 338 8710
Email information

View the original article here

Yoga for the Rest of Us with Peggy Cappy [VHS]

Yoga for the Rest of Us with Peggy Cappy [VHS]"You don't need to be thin, young, and a contortionist to do this program," says instructor Peggy Cappy. Yoga for the Rest of Us is a yoga practice for people who might be inflexible, out of shape, or feeling aches and pains. Cappy presents three 20-minute routines that work separately or together. Part 1 is a series of warm-up seated stretches. Part 2 presents standing poses, holding a chair if needed. Part 3 is a flowing series of Sun Salutations, building stamina, and again using a chair if necessary, followed by relaxation. Public television yoga instructor Cappy teaches gently and quietly, accompanied by demonstrators of various ages and conditions. Recommended for people who thought that yoga was beyond them because of age, medical conditions, or fitness level, especially those with functional challenges, such as not being able to bend down or reach for a top shelf. --Joan Price

Price: $19.95

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70% commission! Sell new stress relief products based on 8 Minute Meditation, Amazon bestseller and program Time Mag calls "the most American form of meditation." Newly remastered audio, new ebooks. Multiple price points. Only sold on website.

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Medicines may one day Help for people with Post-Traumatic Stress

doctors in Canada is experimenting with ways to use drugs people
recall is emotionally intense memories and overcome the post-traumatic stress
Very intensive, syndrome.
emotionally charged memories may affect human behaviour and moods. For
for example, cocaine or dismiss a euphoric feelings that it receives through the use of
drugs, start another cycle of drugs of the behavior. Memory
Traumaticke events, such as the mugged at night, may cause a person to
transition to after dark or at the place where the event will occur, thus limiting its
lifestyle.? Dr. Karim Nader
and his colleagues at the McGill University are experimenting with the use of certain
medications to control the Emotional responses that are generated by memory.? Their experiments with laboratory animals
indicates that the currently in memory, it should be recalled, is the ability to
change the memory before it back with a new way. This process is called
"memory reconsolidation."Dr. Nader
divide the Group of people who suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome in-
two of the group.? One group took drugs
propranolol and the second group was a placebo. Per week, Dr. Nader was asked
It is recalled memories in their original physical injuries. The group, who are
the remedy should be measurably lower physiological reaction that
It is for them more freely to talk about. "We found
We can bring the strength of the memory at the level of non-PTSS, which is
Are you sure you crazy for someone who had a syndrome after a period of thirty years, "Dr.
Nader said.? "No,
memory is just too strong for their normal "brakes" management. "Forbes Magazine
recently named Dr. Nader "one of the ten people who could change the
world. "

View the original article here

2010年12月22日 星期三

Symptoms of stress and stress management

Stress is a part of our daily lives and in small quantities we can be good. It calls us to meet and exceed current limits to stronger, faster, better. However, there are people for whom stress is a daily current problem that adversely affects their lives and even your health. In very severe cases can stress become so overwhelming that it makes literally shut you down. For these people, stress management is imperative if you go to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

What are symptoms of stress?

Stress symptoms may in both the physical body and psychologically occur. Physical stress symptoms overwhelming fatigue, muscle tension, headache and stomach intestine not as abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea and excessive weight loss or weight gain.

Psychological stress symptoms can occur, and you can aggravate symptoms actually physical stress. Nervousness, fear, or (sleep or too much), no longer enjoy activities overeating, insomnia once enjoyed, negative mood changes and being tempered short all psychological stress are symptoms.

How stress management is best addressed?

If you belong to those significant stress have symptoms (mental, emotional, or both) so that impact your life and the ability to enjoy it negatively, there are things you can do to make it easier.

First of all, rentable, giving you emphasize what is. It is a good chance that you can modify external circumstances so that your stress automatically without any other type of intervention, go down.

The fact is, all of us need balance and time for the destruction. World, in today's 24 hours a day, seven days week multitasking is admirable, then all the time "on the go" is something you are expected to be proud. Still, this is not, as we are built, and we need time to rebuild to relax, sleep and simply "be" as much as we need too busy to be productive and work.

Identify your stress: is it permanent or temporary?

It can be difficult "go, go, go" with this mentality to even identify if you are experiencing stress. We are out this to "on" the time that we slow down long enough, can not all. So for a few days, keep a journal and write moments, you identify particularly stressful feeling simply.

Take after a few days a look back at what you have written and find out what makes you feel particularly stress. Are you coming up with exams at school? This is the "normal" stress. In general this temporary stress is, go the way once the tests are over.

But if you have some pretty permanently running stress (for example, you are to go full time in the school and work a full time and part time job in addition to), it's no wonder you feel constantly stressed. Your body does not mean, work in a position "on" all the time.

In this case it's time to make some changes. You simply need some time in your schedule to have "down" time and of course, enough time to sleep and eat properly. Most people need between seven and eight hours of sleep per night. In addition is healthy (not lazy) to give it, are at least an hour to do something, you want at least a few times a week, if not every day-even if that means just sit and read time wanted for a long time a book. People who are balanced and not stressed out make time for leisure, relaxation and sleep, as well as for jobs family and responsibilities.

Nutrition questions, to

If your diet contains much caffeine or sugar or unhealthy foods, your fear can be higher than a matter of course levels and stress. The fact is that your body needs good nutritious foods properly. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium and vitamins such as B vitamins are natural emotional regulators. In other words, are not only good for the body, but you are good for your mind. If you not enough of these in your diet get could fear or stress only this lack experience. Try getting a balanced diet and a good multivitamin and mineral supplement in in addition to the other lifestyle changes through previously spoken.

If insufficient external changes

If your stress is prolonged or falls to normal levels with changes to the schedule, so you time to the relax and distress, enough sleep and eat properly it can be helpful to speak with a consultant or psychiatrist. In some cases, medications can help if nothing else has worked.

The bottom line

Stress management is something that everyone has to do. Whether you manage your stress can simply by including lifestyle and dietary changes, or whether you need more help in the form of advice, health care intervention or a fear Management Guide, you can manage your stress so that your life again healthy, balanced and pleasant.

Bruno Miguel
Back suffer, GAD (General anxiety disorder)

North American Foreign Ministers underline the trilateral cooperation in matters

The Foreign Ministers of the United States, Mexico and Canada reaffirmed here on Monday commitment of his Government of trilateral cooperation and coordination, which will bring benefits to all three countries.

Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon hosted the u.s. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of foreign relations of Mexico Espinosa in picturesque Wakefield Mill Inn in resort tiny village Wakefield, Que., approximately 35 miles north of Ottawa.

They discussed the continental and regional security and prepared for the next North American Leaders Summit (NALLES), scheduled for 2011.

"Ministers reviewed the work undertaken since the Guadalajara 2009 NALLES to support our economy's competitiveness and early," Declaration of Brazilian President said they look forward to next on regulatory cooperation and to enhance coordination to promote exports. "

The Ministers underlined trilateral cooperation on cyber security, internet freedom and privacy to promote the protection and promotion of human rights, as well as innovation and prosperity.

They also discussed how leaders could strengthen cooperation health reviewing the North American plan for avian and pandemic influenza.

On the results of THE 16TH Conference of the parties to the UN Framework Convention on climate change, the Ministers discussed and highlighted the importance of an integrated approach of North American climate change, clean energy and environmental issues, writ large, the statement said.

At a press conference after meeting noon Cannon said that this meeting is an important opportunity for Canada, USA and Mexico to consult, coordinate and work together to address issues of bilateral, trilateral, North American and global key.

"Trilateral Cooperation will intensify efforts of Canada to assist partners in the hemisphere in the areas of enforcement, policing, corrections and judicial systems, as well as disaster preparedness and relief," he added.

Source: Xinhua

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Are 5 physical stress symptoms - about to align?

Our body and our mind work like rubber bands. Without life components such as family, work, children, friends, finances and relationships are rubber bands in peace. However, it is quite impossible, without this said life components work. This life components come with a set of needs and expectations we need to meet to productive members of a family and the society. This life components line us out and test how far we can go, without align. Thus we experience stress, stress and anxiety in our day to day life.

Some people recognize this reality and get the correct ways to stress, to relieve physical, emotional or psychological aligned with their stress by developing coping mechanisms. Proper stress relaxes the rubber band and brings it to rest. If there would be no coping mechanisms for stress, the body and mind on stretching to keep until it snaps into place. If a rubber band, it breaks into pieces, and can no more than a whole lines.

Why the analogy? Others can deny the fact simply, experience emotional or mental stress and this is where symptoms develop physical stress. These symptoms surface, if the different parts of the body have to deal with the person of align or succumb to emphasize to prevent. Here are some physical stress symptoms like that below listed, it's time for you to do a quick reality check and take a breather.

Muscle pain

Muscle aches are common if you are experiencing physical stress. For example, called for General cleaning chore expect a lot of lift mopping, carry, push and pull all your muscles get sore and pain for a day or two. Muscle pain may also occur from a position too long stay. The whole day can stay on your PC to meet a deadline stress on your back and neck, cause you hurting.

Abdominal pain

Your stomach and intestines parties constantly. This is digested the way you your food. If you are stressed or anxious, your stomach is stimulated more contract, and faster, produce more acidity that irritate the lining of the stomach. The contractions cause a stomach pain compared to loose bowel movements. The acid can also cause that vomiting or sharp pains in a stomach.

Tension-type headache

Think of it this way. Your brain is like a machine you can use to multi-tasking. But if you dump too much info in there and couple this with no proper sleep and a poor diet, you are required to maintain tension headaches, which could take days.

Weight loss

If you're stressed, use more calories. Unfortunately, people who are stressed, lose your appetite and don't care much about feeding itself. So your body resembles the increased need for calories by using the glycogen in your muscles and liver stores, and this is why it wasting muscle and weight loss.

Heart palpitations

Finally, stress requires more oxygen. Cells in the body would die without enough oxygen. So, the heart compensates more and faster to as much blood as possible in the rest of the body by pumping to get. As a result, be strong, fast impulse and a sensation, that suggests your heart feel from the chest.

Carl Walters is a stress relief enthusiast and enjoys people control of your life with a positive attitude and stress management tips to help. Learn about the physical symptoms of stress and the stress information elsewhere.

2010年12月21日 星期二

Scalp Massager (Colors May Vary)

Scalp Massager (Colors May Vary)The Scalp Massager will send tingling sensations from scalp to toes and transport you to a more relaxing place. The custom fit fingers will bend to fit your head. Gently raise and lower the Scalp Massager for a relaxing massage. The smooth tips glide across the surface of your scalp. Use it on your knee joints, elbows, ankles and scalp.

Price: $12.95

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Sandisk 16GB Extreme CF memory card - UDMA 60MB/s 400x (SDCFX-016G-P61, Retail Package)

Sandisk 16GB Extreme CF memory card - UDMA 60MB/s 400x (SDCFX-016G-P61, Retail Package)Get exactly the shots you want with professional-grade SanDisk ExtremeR CompactFlashR cards. With up to 60 MB/s* read/write speeds, you'll see it takes more than a great digital SLR camera to bring your ideas to life. And with 16GB of space, you'll have room to capture it all in RAW+JPEG, and save the editing for later. SanDisk engineered its Power CoreTM Controller to take whatever your camera's buffer can dish out. By distributing image data across the card more rapidly and efficiently, this card delivers professional performance.

Price: $223.99

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Reduce Stress At Work in the new Carlisle, Ohio

New Carlisle is a city, Clark County, Ohio, United States. The population was 5,735 is the 2000 census. Springfield, Ohio Metropolitan statistical area.

The location of the image's home community, a fictional character in the Babs Knievans and Grill and "Hiney Wine" use daily comedy sketch and mock radio ad in the local radio people John King and Terry Dorsey Dayton radio station WING (AM), in the 1980s.

New Carlisle, there are many churches. Is home to the first Baptist Church, new Carlisle, new Carlisle, Church of Christ, the new Carlisle World Methodist Church, the Church of God, the Park Layne new Carlisle Church Naztherine and many more. Many of the new Carlisle churches be offered free of charge in the hot meals for certain days of the week. For example, a new Church of the brethren offers free Carlisle meal every Wednesday until 6: 30 p.m. to 5 p.m., some churches such as the first Baptist Church, new Carlisle, is a modern services that include Gospel rock music.

What are the best strategies and actions to reduce stress on the invoice in Ohio, the new Carlisle? We would like to know.

Stress management may be adopted in accordance with the most local level, and for this reason, we ask the inhabitants of the new Carlisle to tell us, what activities they were engaged on the invoice, or work-related stress and strategies.

Activities may include sports, games, social events, organize the community times. Maybe you can recommend local organisations, which offer excellent facilities and services, which are used to stress reduction.

Please also freely recommend local doctors, psychologists, or housing facilities, which offer excellent local services, in order to facilitate the management of the stress.

Add your comment and to participate in the discussion of the add your comment in the box below.

Please feel free to Check your stress toughness by using our free Stress toughness Test the current level.

We acknowledge Wikipedia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License, on the basis of information supplied by gratefully. The full article view is Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Jane Fonda's New Workout [VHS]

Jane Fonda's New Workout [VHS]This yoga set is perfect for busy people who need to work in a way to relax. On the a.m. tape, Rodney Yee takes you through a 15-minute morning yoga set, while Patricia Walden leads a 20-minute evening routine on the p.m. tape. The a.m. tape was filmed on a beach on Maui at sunrise, providing a soothing background for this gentle workout. In the morning, Rodney tells us, "the body is rested but stiff from inactivity." The stretches he demonstrates are designed to increase circulation, improve mobility, and bring clarity to your mind. The movements are easy to follow (they include a conscious relaxation, the a.m. workout, and a guided meditation), and the set is short enough that it can be squeezed into the most hectic of morning schedules. The p.m. video was filmed at sunset in Death Valley. Patricia's yoga set is designed to quiet the mind after the stress of the day and to help you make the transition from active to quiet. She uses a combination of a centering series, standing poses, forward bends, and restorative poses to help you ease into night. You will need some firm blankets to sit on and a yoga strap (although a belt or scarf will serve the same purpose) to perform these movements. Perfect for the beginner and for the overworked. --Jenny Brown

Price: $29.98

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2010年12月20日 星期一

MDMA on a series of post traumatic Stress disorder-unnecessary risk?

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of MDMA to treat the illness of the post traumatic stress (PTSD), so that legal using Ecstasy as medical care. This move without debate MDMA is since 1985 to illegal drugs and there are risks in taking – regardless of how the actual result might be for the patient.

On the side of medical doctors and researchers argue over the addictiveness of drugs, some even suggesting that MDMA is not addictive substance. That it was in the case, however, there will not be drug users and drug there tries this initial maximum chase with increasing levels of MDMA. This can be compensated in an environment of highly controlled, clinical, but what happens if the patient to leave this environment and increasingly demanded high?

This question, of course, is the debate over the use of drugs to treat PTSD. Patients who have shown no signs of substance abuse can overcome the effects of PTSD through methods of treatment to MDMA. Veterans who really struggle with PTSD and cannot find the assistance with the use of anti-depressants, psychotherapy, support groups or relaxation training, these methods of treatment offers promise.

In fact, it is probably the first Government health facilities to use this approach for the treatment of these veterans of the war on global terrorism, the VA Hospital in Ostrava. This process is likely to be closely monitored to measure the success of the treatment, the potential risk of addiction and monitoring for the repetition of PTSD.

Approximately 18 percent of US troops from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan have been diagnosed with PTSD has been shown to be the need for effective treatment of veterans. Research in the field of safety and efficacy of MDMA showed that 58 percent of subjects in double blind pilot studies experienced improvements in symptoms compared with those who received placebo.

Once the study has been completed, the people in the group a placebo treatment have been offered to MDMA. After the end of the first line of 100 percent of those have already met the criteria for the participation of PTSD. Three of the participants was unable to work because of their PTSD and after treatment; all three were able to return to economic activities.

Despite the promise of MDMA in treating PTSD, there are still risks. However, there is a risk for individuals with PTSD who does not respond to traditional therapy, including a higher prevalence of disabilities, drug abuse, suicides, and emotional suffering, which affects the whole life. Weighing the risks, on both sides of the debate can be a challenge, but those 53 to 55 percent of all PTSD sufferers who do not respond to traditional treatments, MDMA may be the answer.

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Stress Crack Tape 50' Roll

Stress Crack Tape 50' RollStress Crack Tape 50 is a Fifty foot long roll of 2" wide Stress Crack Tape. It is designed to repair stress cracks, as well as work on drywall joints. For stress cracks you simply need to wipe off the damaged area, make sure that nothing is protruding, peel off the backing while applying the Stress Crack Tape at the same time, pressing outside of the damaged area, cut to size, then paint. For a perfect match to your wall surface, you can skim the edges or texture. For use on joints, you simply need to apply over the joint, then skim the edges with joint compound. No more need to apply large amounts of joint compound prior to taping. The feathered edges of this product helps the patches blend into the surrounding wall surface. Stress Crack Tape is designed to repair cracks in drywall, or plaster walls. It will also assist with painting over paneling, as you can run the tape over the groves prior to painting. The tape product can simply be cut to your desired length, applied to the walls, then painted over directly. For a perfect match you can skim the edges of the tape.


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Zap Your Stress Home StudyCourse

A powerful and effective program for moms, business owners, anyone stressed out to the max. Course includes 8 products + 2 bonus gifts (15 downloadable audio + PDF files). Affiliates, get info at

Check it out!

Some cancer patients create PTSDs

Approximately 3%
patients experience post traumatic stress syndrome-from shock
their diagnosis and Emotional toll of their treatment under the new
a study from Australia Lead author Dr.
John Fletcher said that the other 25% of patients developed anxiety orders
professionally treated. "We need to
oncologists, general practitioners and other health workers more
Experienced in v?imnul where their patients exhibit the symptoms of anxiety and distress and
take appropriate measures, "she said.
Dr. Fletcher considers that early intervention can prevent most of the anxiety
the problems of reaching the level of study clinical psychiatric disorders, the this.
placed on clinical Ontological society Australia at the annual meeting.

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2010年12月19日 星期日

Beating Stress

Stress!! It seems that stress is ever-present, attacking us at work, at school, on the road, and at home. I knew I had to do something. How did I do it?

Check it out!

Stress relief a large part of the week end NCTC

Students in North Central Texas College campuses are taking their final exams this week and Tuesday found many students in Gainesville campus busy studying and some in relief after finishing all final.

Student Daniel Kirby, a sophomore, already had finished their examinations.

Kirby was on his way with a bag full of textbooks of the semester to sell them to College and buy books for its forthcoming lessons in January.

Kirby said that most of their classes this semester were online, thus ending their examinations maybe sooner than most students.

Student Ryan Mangum, which will be a sophomore next semester, took three classes this semester and finished his last final exam on Tuesday morning.

Mangum said it is difficult to keep the stress low level during the week end.

"I try to relax whenever I can," he said, "but it is not easy. Working as a supervisor at Walmart and going to school can be stressful, especially during finals week ".

A table of students in the program were LVN canteen winding down after finishing their final three.

Student Jody Tomlinson "we take today online one and two examinations in class yesterday," said.

When asked how they maintain their level of stress down during week end that Pam Miller joked, "you don't want to know".

Student Le Lawton said they study groups and had a strong support system in their classes.

Lawton "started the year together in January, and this is our last semester," he continued. "Now we just have the State test."

The success of the Department of student on campus offers workshops on examinations and test anxiety management. Student success Coordinator Tracey Fleniken teaches workshops throughout the semester, which are available to all students.

"How to Survive Exam weeks" is available for all students through the Department of student success a brochure and offers many suggestions on how to survive the final exams. Suggestions were compiled by the Learning Center at the University of Texas.

Deal with the tension is a topic about the survival sheet and includes ways to manage stress: take time to relax, to adopt a positive approach, keep away from people who are very concerned because anxiety is contagious and plan rewards for yourself after finishing the final phase.

Throughout the Department of English and mathematics laboratory, Tuesday is a relatively quiet day.

"Yesterday and last week was very busy," noted Deputy Department of Barbara Simpson student traffic in the lab.

Professor of mathematics Kristine Clinton said that many students were in the lab week for extra help in preparing for final examinations.

Scott Pulte, TRiO Adviser in College, said that they offer classes after exams throughout the semester to students of the faculty under its grant funded by the Federal Government.

Pulte "test and management of test anxiety is a class that we offer for students," said. "For some students, end can determine the degree of whole class.

Pulte "things are more stressful moment of the semester with final exams," he noted. "There's a lot of pressure on performance".

In the library, Julie Gieb, a senior in radiology, was studying for an exam end with your notes and previous exams. She took two examinations on Monday.

Gieb said she normally "congestion" when it comes to exams.

"I do note cards to help me study", its method of study. "It really helps me to go through them and I also spend my old exams".

Gieb works to help keep your stress low level during the week end, but said she really don't think you can get rid of stress during weekends.

Library Assistant Cope Stormy said (Tuesday) the library is much more quiet.

"Last week was really busy", he added, "much busier than usual, with people coming in and out. We had a lot of study groups too. "

Finals in NCTC performs Thursday December graduation with planned for Friday in Leo Fieldhouse on the campus of Gainesville.

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400 Breakthrough Stress Elimination Strategies

Acclaimed Why Make Yourself Crazy? Stress Program More Than Relieves Stress, Anxiety & Clutter, It Eliminates the Causes! 70% Commission. People are raving about this eBook. Read their reviews on the pitch site.

Check it out!

Sit back, relax, relax and chill out Merion Station Pennsylvania

Merion is unincorporated community, as a result of Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States. It is also bordered by a continuous and Philadelphia Wynnewood and Bala Cynwyd, Narberth. Merion meeting House was built in Montgomery Avenue and in the presence of the Meetinghouse Lane intersection in 1695 Welsh Trustees.

The institution to which the Merion is valkuaisaineen world-renowned Impressionist Plug-in is Barnes Foundation and the Post Impressionist paintings of Angmar-drug entrepreneur Albert c. Barnes, that since the 1920s, has been held in Granite Manor gardens with locking Lane, it is important to the art collection. Barnes collection currently expects the move to the city of Philadelphia, which is based on a Center, which includes the original replication Barnes Gallery Merion Parkway recently designed the Museum.

This article quickly, of the one part, and the Foundation will not be able to work with Barnes and moving.

What are the best strategies and actions kaipaaville, relax and chill out of Merion Station Pennsylvania? We would like to know.

Stress management may be adopted in accordance with the most local level, and for this reason, we ask the inhabitants of the Merion Station tell us what actions or they engage in kaipaaville, relax and chill out strategies.

Activities may include sports, games, social events, organize the community times. Maybe you can recommend local organisations, which offer excellent facilities and services, which are used to stress reduction.

Please also freely recommend local doctors, psychologists, or housing facilities, which offer excellent local services, in order to facilitate the management of the stress.

Add your comment and to participate in the discussion of the add your comment in the box below.

Please feel free to Check your stress toughness by using our free Stress toughness Test the current level.

We acknowledge Wikipedia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License, on the basis of information supplied by gratefully. The full article view is Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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2010年12月18日 星期六

How to eliminate Stress and Anxiety in your life

Are You Feeling Stressed, Overwhelmed And Are Full Of Anxiety? If So Then We Have The E-Book That Gives Help On Getting Rid Of Your Stresses And Helps You Get On With The Rest Your Life!

Check it out!

A Time for Relaxation; Vol. 1: Guided Relaxation Techniques for Wellness

A Time for Relaxation; Vol. 1:  Guided Relaxation Techniques for WellnessEveryone could use a break from the hurry and stress of life. This guided relaxation training CD features four pleasant, effective relaxation techniques to calm the mind and body:

Awareness of Body Relaxation
Guided Imagery
Loving Kindness Meditation

Beth Freschi's calming voice will guide you through the relaxation techniques, while the beautiful music of composer Nathan Schilz adds a wonderful atmosphere to the relaxation experience. Guided relaxation techniques are especially useful for people who are either new to relaxation or have a little trouble relaxing.

This CD is recommended by Body + Soul magazine in the June 2009 issue, and frequently hits the Amazon top 10 in the relaxation and meditation categories!

This recording is a great resource for people who would like to:

sleep better
manage stress and anxiety
ease muscle tension
quiet the chatter of the mind
enhance creativity
feel more balanced and focused
take a refreshing break

This CD is meant for deep relaxation, so please don't drive while listening. Enjoy it at home or during a break from work, when you can really kick back and relax!

You can listen to the sample tracks on the Mp3 page, and a full track on Amazon's Beth Freschi store.

Beth Freschi is a life coach with a masters degree in counseling psychology and more than 15 years of experience in mental health. In addition to coaching, she offers relaxation training classes in the Twin Cities metro area of Minnesota. Her clients inspired her to record a relaxation training CD so that they could have the same relaxing experience at home.

Praise for "A Time for Relaxation, Vol. 1"

"I purchased your CD via iTunes help me relax during this volatile and crazy time in the world and in the economy. I listened to quite a few voices on the iTunes list of relaxation CD's, including PhD psychologists, etc.. Your voice instantly soothed me and thus my selection of yours.

My husband and I listened to it last night, he fell asleep, and I went into a profound state of relaxation and meditation. It was terrific. It continued for 10 minutes after your CD finished so that was really significant. thank you for a great CD!"

Mady Goldstein, NYC

"I think you have a stunning voice and your CD is the best of its type that I have ever heard! You deserve to have great success with this and I am sure that when people have heard it they will want to buy all your future efforts. I've been in the world of Hypnotherapy for almost 20 years and in my opinion, you are a STAR!"

--Terence Watts, MCGI
Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine

"Beth Freschi has helped many individuals at our workplace find relaxation and rejuvenation through her muscle relaxation and meditation sessions. We were very happy to see this CD come out. Beth has a peaceful demeanor, and her soothing voice and techniques can really help each of us relieve tension.

The Department of Transportation has invited Beth to join us for a few years, and employees from other agencies have also shown interest in her sessions. Beth has discovered these practices have worked for her on a personal level, and the CD is a way to share her techniques with many more people. If you would like an effective relaxation CD, I encourage you to buy this one."


Amy Krause Reader
Health and Wellness Coordinator
Minnesota Department of Transportation

"I really love your CD. I listen to it at bedtime more often than not. Your voice is SO soothing! It definitely was worth the money!"

--R.Z., Roseville, MN

"When I listened to your CD, I felt like I was taken to a place of peace and tranquility. You have an angelic voice, and I love the music!"

--J.J.F., St. Paul, MN

Look for Beth Freschi's second guided relaxation training recording "Daydreaming by the Sea: Guided Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief and Restful Sleep", now available on Amazon!

This product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

Price: $17.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Does walking Assist You Lose weight?

Many people weight is very stressful process and requires much more than a mere eating less and exercising. You can set the number of times the frustration when they don't see their weight by dropping in a rapid pace. What many do not understand, unfortunately, is not your own metabolism takes time to move into high gear and start really burning fat. All the best on the metabolism and for lihasstimulaattoreiden weight loss program from walking is considered to be the premier cardio-exercise your fat burning furnace ramping up!

Calanques Oeil de verre couloir Devenson (24)
Creative Commons LicensePhoto credit: akunamatata
Great location within walking distance of the town surely helps.

Effective weight walking is an excellent way to keep moving forward towards the proper fitness centre. Amazing how much walking or add weight reduction of shipments of walking, and has been added to the bonus that it will fit easily into the schedule.

Walking is a flexible and weight, walking, can do almost anywhere. One large proposal is friend or walking buddy walk. This can make your own walking a lot of travel experience and health care professionals have established that walking with Buddy will help you to walk a lot longer and stronger, which means faster weight reduction.

Walking can be done in all types of weather, so don't let rainy or cold days to steal the user's cardio walk away from you and will be filled in, you can transfer that may occur when you use the pound or two spread. The local shopping mall down the animal and walk inside, at the same time, when you do, express the fast paced action of window shopping or even suspend only the home page and walk in a place while you are watching your favorite television program. Use your imagination and I am sure, that you can work with this short ten or twenty minutes walk into your day.

Let's face it; Walking is the ideal way to lose weight quick start your metabolism and start burning these burnt. You'll see the belly fat, the question whether or not stripped of bark, simply because the physical activity is the greatest way: specimens that form part of the weight and what could be better than walking dead weight at the same time, getting fit at the same time. Walking can also lift your mood and make your day a lot of happy. This makes it possible to stress, which causes the body to produce less Cortisol, enzyme, which creates a fat belly.

Is there it parses the products which offer a lot of false hope, in the case of losing weight quickly, but you don't need really pills or drop the pounds and flatten your abs, restart only walking gadgets!


This article describes the monitoring information can be found in the



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2010年12月17日 星期五

i-Opener Keyboard Wrist Rest Pad Gel Cushion (BLACK)

i-Opener Keyboard Wrist Rest Pad Gel Cushion (BLACK)Keyboard gel filled wrist rest. Top notch quality that will hold up for years.

Price: $19.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Stress symptoms - disease or fear?

Often real and very unpleasant symptoms cause stress and anxiety. A 29 year old man is feeling weak and weak and tingling in all rushed to the hospital rank for breath. Is he a heart attack? A stroke? No, its not turned out to be due to an anxiety attack, or hyperventilation ' caused.

If something raised his stress response, he started automatically more deep breathing to get extra oxygen to the muscles, but he was able to take a deep breath because his chest muscles were really close. He thought automatically "There is something wrong with my heart" or "I'm having a stroke!". The tightness and choking increases sense his fear. Unable to breathe deeply he breathing faster instead started. Fast breathing blood be made less acidity, his hands and fingers tingled and he felt drowsiness and woozy - as if he was going to die!

Sometimes the cause of the symptoms is quite clear. Usually a typical combination of symptoms and signs point "Physical" diseases and stress is an obvious cause, if we are under pressure - maybe at work or difficult people only symptoms. But diagnosis is more difficult if unpleasant symptoms, the mismatch of a particular disease and there is no obvious source of stress.

Here are some tips: questions to describe your doctor for enough time for you, your symptoms in detail and a thorough investigation. If you worried about serious illness, tell you so, and perhaps write your questions.

If the cause of the symptoms is not clear, we must consider always serious physical illness and stress, and the best diagnostic tool is accurate and complete story. Lists all of the symptoms, the time and the order in which they appeared and what brings up or makes even worse. Generally give us a 'physical' disease symptoms in an area during stress often symptoms in many systems at once – as such as palpitations causes, tight breathing, plus disturbed digestion and sleep, reduced energy and moods disturb. Think about potential sources of stress, because many people under more pressure than you to realize. Keep in mind that the body to serious problems can react before we consciously recognize you.

If you can believe, your complaints caused by stress, can you think you need tests or X-rays to 'exclude' serious illness. But if symptoms are typical for fear, and the physical examination is normal, tests show often unsuspected diseases - research shows you actually can increase our anxiety level.

When stress is the problem, what is the next step? Our patient is shown as you slowly and smoothly - relax a paper bag by inhalation, in and out of the peace of mind. Re breathing acid carbon dioxide normalizes the acidity of the blood and the tingling and Wooziness disappear.

In the long term we have symptoms of stress and anxiety to understand. Instead of dwelling on you, we can use you as a source of energy, to help us to make positive changes. We can choose to reduce commitments, learn relaxation exercise vigorously, adjust our attitude to learn new skills or to seek advice. Severe anxiety disorders may require medication. Although symptoms can be very uncomfortable, you can also contact us more control over our responses to stress and to more satisfaction and happiness to lead.

Dr. Dave Rainham teaches Stress management and relaxation at the

More women in the UK with Post-Trauma Stress after confinement

The increase in the
the number of women are asking for cesarean sections, because their first shipment
the cause is suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome-About 30%.
British women suffering from trauma and 9% of the symptoms of post traumatic stress-
syndrome after confinement for the first time, which may explain why they want to
section c for subsequent birth. Dennis Campbell from Great Britain
The national Health Service told the Guardian of London, in recent years
"The number of mothers who have applied for optional Imperial with their
upcoming child because their last, trauma suffered increased
40%.? It officer
the statistics, however, Some experts.
explained by the increase of the traumatic birth on the inability of the British
the health care system, to ensure enough experts, including midwives, which will help
women deliver their babies. Louise
The representative of the General Secretary of the Co, the Royal College of skilled birth attendants, said that the
(c) section is now 25%, compared with 9% in 1980, and which is
"unacceptably high" picture. She creates a race condition when she said
today's young women, unprepared to lay on the birth of the child, and trauma
You want to control it through elective surgery.

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Panic attacks and Panic Disorder-easy & simple Stress Management tips

If you have such a relatively small characters and suffer from symptoms of panic attacks and panic disorder, you can do something about it before the housing becomes worse. This really be a burden, and even life threatening, especially when you're hit by a terrorist attacks in the places in which you will not receive immediate assistance. Many of the people who you've been terrorist attacks, while driving, Elevator or out of the public places where there is a lot of people, developing phobias or irrationaalisen fears. Wouldn't you want to restrict the placing on the market where you are going to have security that when you go outside, you may experience the same or even worse, the circle of fear attacks.

Warning the young Ones

Panic attacks and panic disorder causes a huge problem for adults, but it will also lead to serious consequences, if they occur in children. Parent or guardian of a child, which seems to be very problematic, or those who are mainly social circles by restricting them from some of the untold fears as you talk to them and to understand what they are going. Most of the young, who exhibited signs of disorders come from broken families and people who have seen the separation of their parents. This can also be exported to children's Physical separation of their MOM and dad is due to a number of reasons.

Yleistilaan and can lead to depression, as well as the fact that the grades to the point that they no longer wish to participate in the classes. You may need to supply them carefully and understand at this stage. If you feel this is too much to deal with the cases, it may be best if you're looking for professionals. If you want to ignore the signs and symptoms, you might want to see these young people committing suicide, or is in the plans it surprised and some can even resort to substance abuse.

Creative Commons LicensePhoto credit: Jon Olav
Under the supervision of the Pressure.

Pressure Management

In most cases, panic attacks and panic disorder is brought about by pressure. So many elements that can trigger this feeling you for more information about how to cope with the change, and delete these emotions. In order to achieve this goal, here are some of the most stress-relief techniques that you can turn off the monitor.

You can view your lifestyle. If you are heavy for the smoker's Entourage, this is the best time to start killing. You do not have to stop immediately. However, should take measures to achieve progressively. Cigarette, nicotine is a stimulant, the essential ingredient that can cause more signs of stress.

Is strictly adhering to the regular Fitness routine. This helps you to stay fit and healthy, so you can be a lot more alert and all what life in order to provide you with information ready.

Ensure that you make to Pamper and reward yourself during the week. This is crucial if you experience work-related stress (WRS) is continuously. You will need in order to do this, you can feel invigorated and connect.

By learning how to cope with the tension you can also can take control of your panic attacks and panic disorder.


Do you want to stop panic attacks and panic disorder quickly without using medication? For more information:



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2010年12月16日 星期四

InSinkErator CRD-00 Power Cord Kit

InSinkErator CRD-00 Power Cord KitCRD-00 The Power Cord Kit is easy to install and includes a three-foot UL Listed cord, strain relief clamp, wire connectors and installation instructions. Once installed, disposer plugs directly into a standard wall outlet. This genuine InSinkErator product meets Underwriter Laboratories Inc. SPT-3 category for insulation thickness and moisture resistance. Features: -Three foot UL listed cord -Strain relief clamp -Wire connectors and installation instructions included

Price: $10.40

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Magnet Balls - Magnetic Ball Puzzle

Magnet Balls - Magnetic Ball PuzzleOne Puzzle, Billions of Solutions -- Magnet Balls continuously create new patterns and shapes with these cool cubes, composed of multiple individual high-energy rare-earth magnets. With no set right answer, this puzzle has nearly infinite options in construction. You can completely disassemble and reassemble your magnet balls or simply manipulate it with your hands - you completely control the outcome of the multi-dimensional form. Each magnetic sphere is essentially a point, several spheres can be arranged into a line, lines can be formed into two-dimensional shapes, and these shapes can then be combined into three-dimensional objects. -- Using your Magnet Balls to create shapes could actually exercise both hemispheres of your brain, because it encourages you to be creative and constructive. Playing with your Magnet Balls also helps eliminate stress through the unique sensation of the magnets, the audible sound of each magnet connecting, and the creativity used to produce new shapes. Magnet Balls brand Cube puzzle includes a FREE collectors tin with Magnet Balls Label to hold your 216 pc puzzle.


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Somatic therapy for PTSD

Includes the somatic therapy, holistic and therapeutic approaches to
the treatment of patients. It is used primarily for the treatment of trauma and
Post-Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD). An interesting aspect of somatic
therapy is that there is no one type of treatment, but a complete
System techniques, psychotherapy and body psychotherapy.
Somatic therapies for Primary theory is that it helps patients to
face their past traumas they directly so that they get for those
move on with their lives and memories.

There are many different types of events that may lead a person traumatic stress occurs:

‧ The misuse of
‧ Violence
‧ Car accidents
‧ Disaster
‧ Rape
‧ Serious medical procedures

Depending on the severity of trauma, may or may not be
chronic problems. In the case of a person to develop chronic events
problems of traumatic stress, generally are both natural and
psychological symptoms that result. Some of the physical symptoms,
they may occur include the following:

‧ Cold sweats
‧ Difficulty in concentrating
‧ They are easily startled
‧ Extreme energy
‧ Incorrect or fast heartbeat
‧ Panic attacks
‧ Sleep problems
‧ Abnormal exhaustion

The most common psychological symptoms include:

‧ Anxiety
‧ Avoid social situations
‧ The feeling is separated from each other and the other
‧ Flashbacks

With somatic therapy patients may not force the
you return after a traumatic event and unhappy memories. This
type of treatment can be quite effective, if patients are simply willing to
in order to complete the process of therapy with integrity.

The somatic therapy do you work with the patients
that they are able to take control over their own symptoms that
then to enable them to create a sense of comfort and safety, which will be
empower them to reach for his previous traumaticke events. Other
an important part of somatic therapy include the valve into the Emotional
resources, balancing the nervous system and the assessment of physical

Time for somatic therapy may vary from a few
sessions for several years. The length of the treatment, which are necessary for the
the patient to a large extent depends on the type of trauma, which has been suffered,
whether the trauma associated with the next event of the patient to Traumaticke
the age of the patient and the current internal strength and determination.

Many experts believe that somatic therapy can provide people
the tools they need to lead a healthier, more productive life
Whereas it will be better equipped to deal with unpleasant events and
leave them in the past.

View the original article here

Childhood trauma is not linked to opiate dependence

Traumaticke event does not increase the dependency on painkillers among those with
chronic pain, according to a study of Geisinger Center for health research Dr. Joseph
Boscarino, and his colleagues to exclude the trauma of childhood as a factor, as well as
age, gender, income, education and the current level of stress.? That isolate the four factors that could
display between people with chronic pain who become dependent on drugs, and
with a history of substance abuse, psychiatric medications,
depression and is under the age of 65 years old. Dr. Boscarino
He said that the study can help predict which patients will develop the doctors
prescription medications. "this study addictions
appears in the journal addiction.

View the original article here

2010年12月15日 星期三

Peggy Cappy's Stress Relief: [Audio CD] Guided Relaxation Series

Peggy Cappy's Stress Relief: [Audio CD] Guided Relaxation SeriesStress Crack Tape 50 is a Fifty foot long roll of 2" wide Stress Crack Tape. It is designed to repair stress cracks, as well as work on drywall joints. For stress cracks you simply need to wipe off the damaged area, make sure that nothing is protruding, peel off the backing while applying the Stress Crack Tape at the same time, pressing outside of the damaged area, cut to size, then paint. For a perfect match to your wall surface, you can skim the edges or texture. For use on joints, you simply need to apply over the joint, then skim the edges with joint compound. No more need to apply large amounts of joint compound prior to taping. The feathered edges of this product helps the patches blend into the surrounding wall surface. Stress Crack Tape is designed to repair cracks in drywall, or plaster walls. It will also assist with painting over paneling, as you can run the tape over the groves prior to painting. The tape product can simply be cut to your desired length, applied to the walls, then painted over directly. For a perfect match you can skim the edges of the tape.

Price: $19.95

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Video games after trauma may prevent the development of PTSS

Playback of certain
video games after traumatic events, which can help people to better process
events and even post-traumatic stress syndrome, according to a new
a study from the Great Britain. researchers in the
Oxford University is divided into three groups of 20 to 60 people each. All
Watch violent movies and then one group plays a game of Tetris, called
The second group plays a game with oral challenges, and the third group not
play the game.? A group that plays
Tetris, the game, which is characterised by the repeated playback and relies on Visual spatial
skills, experience fewer flashbacks and violent, graphic, The authors of the film.
the study believe that the game somehow avoid the brain of the participants
storage memories in the usual way is to call "Cognitive vaccine".

This study will appear in the journal PLoS ONE

View the original article here

Effective Safe and Easy Stress Relief

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2010年12月14日 星期二

Because You're Special Gourmet Food Gift Basket - The Perfect Gift Idea For Her!

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Relationship management Breakdown Poway, California, with the

Poway is a city in San Diego County, in Japan. Originally, the unincorporated community, San Diego County, the city of Poway became officially December 1980. Although the Poway is geographically in the middle of San Diego County, most consider its relative position as a land area of the North. Poway: 's rural roots led to its slogan "City, country." 2000 Census the population of the city was 48,044.

In 1980, and became the Poway Poway as part of the City, a separate San-Diego County Community. It shall give reasons for its nickname "city in the country" despite its shade the population because it is named "tree City" in the last decade. Poway is Blue Sky Ecological reserve, Lake Poway, and many small hiking and trails, riding a horse a location. A significant part of the city were saastuttamalla as well as the 2003 Cedar Fire during the 2007 Witch Creek Fire. City of Poway adopted in 2004, at the 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, out of Camp Pendleton is based on close. Fred l. Kent Post 7907, of the one part, and foreign Wars veterans has been an official with the battalion, which is located and transferred to adapt to the new tasks have been at least once to Iraq after its adoption.

What are the best strategies and actions in relation to the distribution of Poway, California, in order to deal with? We would like to know.

Stress management may be adopted in accordance with the most local level, and for this reason, we ask the inhabitants of Poway tell us what actions or they engage in a breakdown of the relationship of those furthest from the labour market strategies.

Activities may include sports, games, social events, organize the community times. Maybe you can recommend local organisations, which offer excellent facilities and services, which are used to stress reduction.

Please also freely recommend local doctors, psychologists, or housing facilities, which offer excellent local services, in order to facilitate the management of the stress.

Add your comment and to participate in the discussion of the add your comment in the box below.

Relationship management Breakdown more useful information in the .org Pavilion.

Please feel free to Check your stress toughness by using our free Stress toughness Test the current level.

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