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2011年1月30日 星期日

Acupuncture treatment-acupuncture for Stress symptoms

In life today, everybody is so committed to making money and beat their rivals they hardly find any time for yourself and your family. He works more than its capacity. As a result of this, it becomes stress victim. This stress affects health I its negative way. For this they perform for physicians who suggest them allopathic treatment which suppresses stress symptoms, but do the body weak immune system and more prone to diseases.

Fortunately we have a secure method to stress overcome this in our body, i.e. acupuncture treatment. This treatment is a Chinese healing art that uses needles Superfine inserted into body parts. According to his theory, an energy flows through our body on channels known as meridians. These meridians located throughout the length and breath of the body and are associated with all organs of the body, giving them energy. About these meridians are the acupuncture points that have association with one or another organ of the body. In stress situations, blood flow and energy is limited resulting in stagnation.

Stress causes the flight or fight response in the body which stress blood, hormone, cortisol is released which makes a person feel irritation, anger, frustration, sleeping difficulties, tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders depression,, pain in body parts including headaches and migraines, premenstrual symptoms in women, bowel syndrome etc. This increases blood pressure and makes the weak immune system. Because of all these a person feel hatred towards life and loses the zeal to live life.

When acupuncture is performed effort in a patient, tissues and muscles get activated which helps the movement of chi and the blood. Acupuncture stimulates the brain to stress release serotonins and suppressing hormone endorphins which causes a deep relaxing feeling in the mind stress cut. It also helps to reduce the level of cortisol in the blood and removes toxic substances, improving blood circulation. It reduces the sympathetic nerve activity, thereby reducing blood pressure and heart beat rate.

A patient feel relaxation in a single session only which lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. Some people may fall asleep during treatment only. In General, a regular acupuncture treatment of stress symptoms gives you the best results and makes you feel alive again. This movement is strengthened muscles, thus, tension and stiffness is released causing a relief of pain in the neck, shoulders and other parts of the body. Acupuncture provides great comfort for headache and migraine patient s. It improves blood circulation, providing more oxygen and tissue makes them increasingly work. Y regular yoga and meditation health and nutritious diet and also help stress lot at revive.

Some people do not consider safe and are hesitate for this treatment include sharp needles. But these needles do not cause any pain. just a slight sensation is felt by a second during insertion. Once the needles are inside you start feeling relaxed. What you need is the appropriate selection from your acupuncturist. It must be a licensed so that there is no risk of infection with needles.

You can also enhance your knowledge about acupuncture for stress symptoms, surf the internet. You will find a non. websites for the health post with these services. You can also leave queries in their mailboxes and you will shortly receive a reply to them. But, before making any decision to settle for their authenticity.

George Jhon is an author of Backonyourfeet, a Sydney acupuncture clinic where our highly qualified experts can guide you about fundamentals acupuncture treatment to improve your life. For more information, visit

