Post traumatic stress (STRESS) after floods are not uncommon and particularly courants lost your ordering restauration difficult. So it's almost certain to manifest himself after floods in in Queensland and Northern NSW in January 2011.
Post traumatic stress.
Post traumatic stress troubles (troubles also known as your blood pressure, STRESS) is a serious concern troubles that can develop apres to all events that results in psychological trauma. This event can involve the threat of death to yourself or to another person or body, or physical, sexual or psychological integrity of another person, overwhelming the capabilities of the individual to cope like a psychological effects of trauma, STRESS and most often less terrible than see that will be better stress response.
Diagnostic symptoms for STRESS inclure-experiencing trauma (s) of the original remontent you drugs, eviter de stimuli were associated with trauma, and Serah une-like hardship for you staying asleep, colere, and hypervigilance. Formal diagnostic criteria (DSM-IV-East TR and ICD-9) requests that the symptoms last more than a month and caused great damage in social, sante, other important areas of fonctionnement *.
Social Support in the local.
During the crisis the Lavalas community support high importance receive and the event in the newspaper. However, once the event made sense of loss and retrait supporting could think.
SYNDROME is a serious condition that requires professional intervention and gestion. It is important that the victim of Lavalas should be encouraged to seek help.
The benefits of social support two plus community and particularly the very obvious immediate neighborhood of Lavalas. Many examples of assistance and support neighbors reported in the journal news in relation to flow of Queensland from 2011. Example heroique supporting reported during the crisis.
To support social local level can ameliorate impact fracture and important in the process of the restauration. Idealement one or two people in every street should be proactive in maintaining the spirit of the community was the event during the crisis immediate. Government and local organizations should provide resources to support neighborhood action.
It is important that those who were impacted by Lavalas sont regularly they know of local resources and assistance are available.
* We avec reconnaitre to information provided by Wikipedia under a Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Communes 3.0 Unported License. The full article can be seen Wikipedia in.
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