Stress is a response the body produces to protect and support us as your body uses stress the? Stress is generally regarded as being synonymous with stress di. Di stress is defined as "physical strain, mental or emotional or tension"
When this stress type is constant, it becomes damaging. Cortisol is a hormone released by our bodies steroid on the stress reaction to help lead us through challenging situations. Scientists have noted recently that the brain also uses cortisol to suppress the immune system and tom low inflammation within the body. Thus, persistent stress di depresses the immune system and shuts down the body's ability to heal itself. Common conditions associated with stress are chronic heart disease cancer,, depression, eating disorders ... the list is endless.
There is no such thing as stress good-good stress has a positive effect. It keeps us motivated, increasing our productivity. And, as mentioned earlier, that produces the hormone that helps us through challenging situations.
So, the question is ... How can you tell when the line is crossed between stress di and tension that is good for you?
Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. The reason is that, what stress is good for one can be stress di to another.
A good example is, watching people on a roller coaster ride steep. Some are hunched down on the seats back, eyes closed, jaws shook and white knuckled with an iron fist in retention bar. They can't wait for the ride in to the purpose for which they can back on firm ground. But in front are wide-eyed thrill seekers, screaming and enjoying every moment. And in the Middle you can find some that seem a little bored. Thus was the roller coaster ride stress ful?
How do you determine what is causing stress di?
This is step 1 identify what causes stress the. You really need to spend the time to know yourself better and recognize any symptoms may or may not have.
Do a system scan.
Discover what you tolerate. Tolerations are things that bug you, drain your energy and could be eliminated. We usually tolerate more than 50 things on an ongoing basis. Sit down and write down everything they tolerate and find ways to cross them off.
Stress Release trigger
We have had the first two steps in health maintenance of stress y. In Add competition these steps of action is vital to create balance in your life. Balance is the key to health the. Is what I strive to help my clients to create.
Even when we implemented all of these steps, we are human. Let's stress occasionally has ful days. We all know those days ... nothing seems to be going right, we have a to-do list a mile long, everything takes twice as long as it should, we feel as if nothing really is getting done and all these physical symptoms experienced when stress ed we start dragging-headache, tight muscles, stomach queasy, palpitations.
What you can do when it happens? Is where does the "trigger Release of Stress". You can train yourself to stress release in seconds. Here's how it works:
Find a ritual that is relaxing for you. For some of you who can take a bath, aromatherapy, a foot massage with lotion on your favorite perfume, deep breathing with your favourite flavour, exercising with your favorite music ... anything make sure it involves different directions and is easy for you to make whenever you stress is ed. So for those of you who are constantly on the go and need something quick and easy, a few deep breaths with your favorite Aromatherapy can be just the thing for you or if you like bathe (like me) and spend more time at home, this can be an excellent ritual 15-20 minutes that you develop for yourself. During his ritual intends to focus on empty your mind and focus your senses are stimulated by their ritual.
The key is to train yourself to stress release with a trigger. He has 21 days to make or break a habit. Therefore, it is vital that you use your ritual where you stress ed is for 21 days to train yourself with the stress release immediately. After developing the trigger effectively, the moment you engage-the symptoms associated with stress the ... chaotic mind, headache, tight muscles etc., go away. Leaving you refreshed and refocused and ready to continue. For the few moments outside your day, you really get more accomplished than if you continue your stress ed day outside.
Suzy Strempke, certified core energy coach, is the owner of the growth in action-training and Coaching. She is passionate about empowering women to build successful businesses while keeping staff healthy and fulfilling lives. It helps your customers get "in action" for what they want more for themselves and leads to bust through internal blocks that are holding them back. A successful entrepreneur for more than five years with Sensaria Natural White, Suzy enjoys educating women about the value of self-service, nurturing ritual, good skin care awareness and ingredient. For more information, visit