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2011年1月21日 星期五

No more Stress-let go for Real stress relief

If you stress is under, you know it. You're anxious, tense and irritable. Or maybe you are suffering from physical symptoms – anything from acid reflux for constant headaches. You can eliminate stress and the find relief.

Just follow the simple process in this article, and you'll find the stress relief in minutes.

1. which requires that you're doing?

Start by thinking about the requirements that you make yourself.

Stress begins in your mind. Our lives are so complicated. People make demands on us who stress, provokes and can make demands on ourselves as well. The demands we ourselves can be totally unacceptable.

Think about what you're asking yourself. Look at your to-do list. Are these reasonable requirements? You would make the same demands of another person?

Some demands we ourselves are so deeply rooted that don't even know what we're doing them. They come from our culture. Think about some of these requirements you can do:

* Feels you need to be perfect-lose weight, look fantastic and have a perfect family?

* Do you feel that you have everything that everybody has the latest gadget, a big house, a pool of ...?

Many of these cultural demands that we ourselves are dangerous, because we don't realize we're doing them. If you ever challenge either of these requirements, will cause stress unlimited.

2. you can change these requirements for preferences?

Make a list of demands that you know what you're doing yourself.

Yes, write them down. After seeing what you wrote:

"Should lose weight. I have the latest fashions. I have a new hair style. Should my child behave perfectly ... My husband must ... My friends must ... "

Write down their demands helps you see how reasonable they all are.

Now that you have written down their demands (our demands are endless, so you should have a long list), decide that you will change their demands of preferences.

You can change any demand for a preference. For example, if you are overweight, you may prefer to lose weight. If you are debt in, you may prefer debt-be free.

Or not. Preferences to give you choices and when you have options, you're free to choose-this stress releases.

Once you change a demand for a preference, it stops cause stress him. You may want to lose weight, but it is a preference, the same way you prefer Strawberry vanilla ice cream.

3. the technique of floating bubble to your troubles away

Every day you're guy with problems. Some are soluble, and go ahead and fix them. Other challenges are not correctable, not now – in fact, that if they involve other people, they will never be solved, because you cannot change others.

When you are faced with a problem, here's an easy way to float worries away.

See the problem, whatever it is, a pink (or blue or any color) bubble. The bubble is lighter, lighter than a balloon, and how you see, the bubble floats away ...

Watch the bubble, putting your problem, floating out, up to the sky ... see it floating far away.

This visualization technique of "bubble" is useful for any problems you find. Using it will give you stress immediate relief.

The processes above are guaranteed to bring relief stress 's. use them every day.

Want more stress relief tips easy and instantaneous? You'll get more information about stress management and in Blog posts easy Yoga Fab in

