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2011年1月22日 星期六

Irritable bowel syndrome-causes, symptoms and relief

Irritable bowel syndrome affects approximately 54 million people in the United States, or about 20% of the population. Is an intestinal disorder with indications of the disease, but for unknown reasons cause discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, colic, gas and mild to severe pain in the abdomen. IBS pain can range from a feeling of "internal bruising" sharp cramping throbbing sensations. Patient s often complain that it seems they have punch in the stomach or by an elephant. IBS is known to lead to diseases other, but can be inconvenient at best.

IBS is a general term to describe general irregular bowel functions that do not appear during examination, blood tests or x-rays in accordance with the FDA. Even the doctors know that he exists and that is not entirely psychological as previously believed. The National Institute health, say that people who live with IBS simply have more sensitive digestive tract. The two points are more likely to react to the stimulus than other adults or children with normal colon. IBS "attacks" can be triggered by eating fatty foods or fatty, some types of dairy products, certain medications depression,, stress gas, lack of exercise and even by eating raisins or maize.

A report from the FDA cites many IBS research topics as saying that the disorder has affected their everyday lives. A teacher in Connecticut told them that she had to give up teaching in the classroom because they are prevented from being able to stay with children during the whole day she even bought a van to give her more "privacy in your time of need" and keeps a new pair of underwear, anti-motion diarrheal and other emergency items there just in case.

Constipation is also the effects of IBS. Some adults and children have reported not having a bowel movement during 10 days sometimes. When they finally go to the bathroom, it is extremely painful and rectal bleeding occurs frequently. In both cases of diarrhea and constipation episodes of pain usually occurs. Therefore, this disorder can and often are mistaken for other diseases, spastic colon as ulcerative. While both conditions often cause spasms in the colon, just ulcerative causes inflammation. IBS does not. Dr. Marvin Shuster, a gastroenterologist medical Center of Johns Hopkins Bayview claimed that "irritable bowel syndrome is most appropriate and accurate term. because it emphasizes that the condition is a motor disorder manifesting irritability (I) involves many areas of the gut. "

Digestive tract of humans has a nervous system that is separate from the brain and does not depend on the brain to function properly. Instead, according to Marcelo a. Barreiro, M.D. gastrointestinal FDA Division, the bowel "answers your entries under different conditions." He also says that patient in s with IBS, central nervous system (brain-controlled) and intestinal nervous system are "out of sync". This means that if an individual is under stress particularly heavy, then the brain can send a message to the conflict to the bowel that calls irritability within the digestive system.


Unfortunately, because IBS affects everyone, in different ways there are no treatment "panacea".

There used to be a remedy for IBS called Lotronex. However, was taken off the shelf just 10 months after being released due to serious side effects and sometimes drug-related deaths. FDA reports being preoccupied with mild to moderate damage intestines due to reduced blood flow and obstructions and/or ruptures in the intestinal wall.

Other medicines antispasmodic are being used to treat IBS especially when other treatments don't work. IBS patients should always try to manage your clutter with a diet high in fiber, lots of water and regular exercise. In addition, individuals with IBS should avoid certain foods such as milk, cabbage, beans, artificial sweeteners, sorbitol and fructose. But in most cases, that just isn't enough.

Supplements of probiotics (a secure alternative to yoghurt to individuals who are sensitive to milk products) are an effective way to reduce gas and harmful bacteria. Although, most professionals health care does not recommend bothering even with probiotic treatment unless you have done a colon cleanse for the first time. While probiotics can promote good bacteria in the gut, do nothing for the compilation of card and waste throughout your intestinal walls.

Colon cleansing has been praised as an all natural way, safe and very effective for dealing with IBS on all ends of the spectrum from constipation to diarrhea. Use colon cleansers that contains psyllium or psyllimax is the best way to "reset" your colon and get it back to normal quickly. A good colon Cleanser, as Dr. Floras Colon Cleanse, you only have about 14 days to work and users will begin to see improvements in her condition in about 7 to 10 days.

Colon cleansing will relieve water retention, bloating and cramping associated with IBS as well as some other symptoms that you didn't even know were related as headaches, acne, and fatigue. This is why many doctors and professionals health care recommend that everyone use a colon cleansers for two health points; because it is a safe and effective way to clean up waste buildup that can accumulate in the gut. This buildup can cause health problems such as IBS, diarrhea, constipation cancer, fatigue and even promote the establishment and growth of parasites.

IBS is a disorder difficult to live with, especially since an effective treatment can be difficult to find among individuals. However, with proper diet, exercise, plenty of water and cleaning it regular colon can be managed.

By far the best treatment for the symptoms of IBS is a cleanse colon or learn more about the irritable bowel syndrome

