Physical therapy with holistic, therapeutic
Treatment of patients. And basically serves to treating trauma and
Bosttromatik psychological disorders (PTSD). Exciting physical aspects of interest
Treatment that is not one type of treatment but complete
System of techniques of psychotherapy psychotherapy body.
The basic theory behind physical therapy that helps patients to
Meet the past shocks directly so they can get past those
Memories and move on with their lives.
There are a variety of different types of events that can lead any person suffering from trauma:
‧ Abuse
‧ Assault
‧ Car accidents
‧ Disaster
‧ Rape
‧ Serious medical procedures
Depending on the severity of trauma, and may or may not become
Chronic problem. If this event leads people to develop chronic
Psychological issues, there is generally both physical and
Psychological symptoms that result. Some physical symptoms that
The show itself include:
‧ Cold flushes
‧ Difficulty focus
‧ Are easily startled
‧ Maximum energy
‧ Irregular heartbeat or fast
‧ Panic attacks
‧ Sleep problems
‧ Extraordinary depletion
Some of the most common psychological symptoms:
‧ Concern
‧ Avoid social situations
‧ The feeling of being detached from oneself and others
‧ Retrieve
With physical therapy, patients do not necessarily have to force
Themselves to return during traumatic events and memories are happy. And this
Type of treatment can be very effective if patients ready only
Allow themselves to complete the treatment.
For physical therapy to work really, patients must recognize
They can control their symptoms which
Then allowed to create a sense of comfort, safety and will
Enable them to obtain the previous past traumatic events. Other
Important elements of physical therapy benefit emotional
Resources and balance in the nervous system, and physical assessment
Could range from a few physical therapy treatment
Meetings for several years. Duration of treatment is necessary
Patients depend largely on the type of trauma suffered
Whether the trauma associated with shock again, patient
Patient age and design of current internal force.
Many professionals that physical therapy can provide people
With the tools they need to healthier and more productive
To be better equipped to deal with unpleasant events and
Leave them in the past where they belong.